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Chapter 68

  • She squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to drive Nicholas' image away. She’d come out here to clear her mind, not think about him even more. But not thinking about him was impossible when she could feel his presence in the buzz of her veins and when so many old familiar feelings were blossoming and singing and anticipation quivered low in her pelvis.
  • When she opened her eyes, she noticed for the first time that the long, wide balcony stretched further than the limits of her room. Tightening the sash of her satin robe, she followed her curiosity to the end of it and discovered the balcony was shared with the room next to hers. The curtains running the length of the glass wall were drawn but that didn’t stop her taking a step back and then quickly padding back to her own half.
  • Tingles danced over her skin as instinct told her the adjoining room was Nicholas' room.
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