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Chapter 4 Persistence

  • Zayn stared out the window as the morning breeze felt his face. His Rolls-Royce ghost was one of the most comfortable places to be in but at the moment... it wasn't doing much justice to the turmoil going on in his head. His dream flashed back into his mind and he ran his hand over his face. He wanted to ignore it, more like he tried to, but the solid proof was as hard as rock and there was no way he could ignore the fact. The realization made him wish for the fifth time that he was suddenly hit by a truck.
  • He had a wet dream.
  • Not of a girl...
  • not of the lady he met at the bar...
  • but a man. His very own bestfriend to be exact.
  • He pulled his hand over his face as a huge sigh escaped his mouth.
  • "Are you okay sir? Would you like me to pull up?"
  • Zayn's head spun around to look at Newton who's question he had missed, and Newton stared back at him through the rear mirror as a look of concern pulled up on his face.
  • "It's the sixth time you've let out a sigh sir, forgive me for asking but is something bothering you?" He asked in his usual slow gruffy tone.
  • "Oh, well- no, it's fine. I just...have a little something on my mind," Zayn replied with a weak smile.
  • "Alright sir, but remember you should take better care of yourself. Your health should always come first before any other thing sir,"
  • Zayn stared at Newton who still had eyes on the road and a genuine smile crossed his face. "Alright. Thanks Newton,"
  • "Anytime sir,"
  • He looked back out the window as he wondered if he was letting the situation get to him. Even Newton had noticed, though it wasn't much of a surprise considering the fact that they'd known each other since he was a child. He can probably read me like a book now, Zayn thought.
  • Newton is his late father's friend, the man had always been there for as long as Zayn could remember and now he found himself seeing him as a father figure. Though he wished Newton would stop being so formal with him and quit using the word sir to him.
  • Zayn let out another sigh unconsciously as he knew he had to get himself together. A strain on his mood could affect his work pace, and that was the last thing he wanted. Newton pulled up in the garage and parked the car in his reserved spot. He got out of the car as Zayn did the same.
  • "You should also get some rest Newton. I don't have to head out until later." Zayn said as he looked at the silver watch on his wrist.
  • Newton flashed him a smile before saying "Have a nice morning, sir."
  • "Thanks," Zayn said as he could feel his enthusiasm brimming in again.
  • He made his way to the elevator connected to the garage for his use and got in. Pressing the last floor button, the doors closed and the elevator glided upward. It was the elavator, but getting to the last floor did take a while. Now he was left wondering what to do when he comes across Will, there's no way he could put on a straight face after what happened in his dream. He wished the ground could swallow him up immediately, or even better, a resignation letter from Will. The door flew open and he hesitated to head out. Summing up the courage, he walked out and made his way to his office.
  • "Don't you think the new secretary is really hot?"
  • Zayn stopped in his track at Karen's whispers that came out of the office before his. Eavesdropping wasn't a habit he cultivated, but the new secretary obviously meant Will... and he wasn't ready to miss out on that.
  • "Don't even get me started on that, did you see him smile yesterday, I thought an angel had descended." a voice replied and he could recognize it to be Tasha's voice.
  • "I know right! He just has this burning appeal that makes you want to... ugh!"
  • Zayn face squeezed up as he wasn't sure he wanted to hear more on this.
  • "I would definitely trade half of the men in here in exchange for the boss and Will. Just seeing their faces gives me the motivation to get up my lazy ass to work,"
  • "You won't believe Amy actually asked Will out yesterday, but she got a flat down rejection." Tasha let out a mocking laugh.
  • "For real?"
  • "Hmm hm,"
  • "You don't think he has a girlfriend do you, or maybe a fiancee?"
  • Zayn's ears perked up as he realized he never did think about that. it's been nine years, and Will was old enough to start a family just like him.
  • "That could be possible, there's no way someone who looks like that could be single,"
  • "The boss is." Karen replied and the corridor got covered up in silence. Zayn knew this was his punishment for eavesdropping, she simply stated a fact but he wished he hadn't been reminded of his tearful situation.
  • "You guys do realize I've been sitting here this whole time," a male voice said. it was Malcom
  • "Oh hey Malcom, didn't see you there," Karen joked and Zayn let out a soft sigh.
  • "You would definitely be one of the people I trade out in exchange," Tasha said and Zayn wasn't sure if she was just joking or actually being serious.
  • "I'm glad I could be of use," Malcom said dryly and Zayn made his way to the front of their office, making the heels of his shoe resound even harder. He could make out the sounds of chairs and hurried footstep before he revealed himself. They all got up but he waved them off.
  • "Morning sir," They greeted in unison and he was grateful his business smile didn't let him down.
  • "Morning," he replied and scanned the room as he noticed Will's absence. He glanced over at his desk.
  • "He went down for a cup of coffee," Tasha said like she could read his thought. She asked cautiously
  • "Would you like him to report to your office sir?"
  • "No, it's fine. Keep up the good work," he said and made his way to his office as he thought it was better for Will to stay away from him.
  • Making a left turn and opening the door to his office, he shut the door and paused as he noticed the difference immediately. Someone had turned on the A/C to just the right amount; how he liked it. He made his way to his desk as the pile of files caught his attention, taking off the jacket to his one piece suit and hanging it on the rack, he made his way to the filles to sort them out.
  • His brows shot up as he noticed something was wrong. He took another file from the pile and carefully examined it, taking a third one again, his head tilted to the side a little as he didn't remember sorting out the files already. He dropped the files in his hands and surfed through the pile left as he couldn't hide his surprise. They had all been sorted through... every single one of them. It took him a moment to accept this, he took a seat as he wondered what had happened overnight. His mind shifted to Will and just then he heard a light knock on the door.
  • "Come in," he said and looked up to see the open door expose Will who had a cup of coffee on his hand. Will froze as the two immediately noticed the similarity between them. Zayn's face scrunched up in a look of discontent as the words left his mouth "Take it off,"
  • Now it was Will's turn to have on a look, except it was a look of confusion. "Unfortunately, I didn't come in with a change of clothes so you're going to have to bear with me, As much I like coincidences like this I also don't like showing up in the same cloth every time."
  • He shut the door behind him and made his way to the desk. The conversation Zayn had over-heard came back to him and his curiosity got the best of him.
  • "Are you married?"
  • Will stopped in his track as the question took him by surprise. He stared at Zayn and seemed reluctant to answer.
  • "What? Is that also something you can't tell me?" Zayn said with the raise of his brow and Will stared at him in disbelief.
  • "I'm not..."
  • "...but you have a fiancee,"
  • "I don't,"
  • "A girlfriend?"
  • "No,"
  • "A fling?!" Zayn pushed as he was starting to think Will was lying to him but when Will didn't have a reply for his last question, his head fell back curiously. "So you have a fling, I didn't see that coming. Thought you always said you'd never mess around and only be the devoted-to-one-person type, what changed?"
  • "Why the sudden interrogation? You would have known all this if you had just accepted to get a drink with me,"
  • "I told you I don't drink,"
  • Silence blew past them and Will stared at Zayn intensely like he was trying to see through him but Zayn couldn't maintain the eye contact as his dream flashed back to him and it made him think of things he shouldn't.
  • "Fine, do you find it too cold in here, I wasn't sure what temperature you liked so I set it to what I like. I remember we had similar taste in a lot of things."
  • "It's too cold." Zayn shot as he looked away to avoid Will catching on to his lie.
  • "Oh really?" Will said, his voice filled with surprise "Then you could have just turned it down,"
  • "I already did," he said with his gaze still averted. Will didn't say a word for a moment, then he placed the cup of coffee on the table as Zayn reacted to the sound.
  • "Here. I got this for you,"
  • "I never asked for a cup of coffee,"
  • "I felt you might need it," Will answered persistently.
  • "I don't like my coffee with milk,"
  • "So do I," Will countered and Zayn squinted at him. Will directed his eyes to the cup as if to say 'try it'.
  • "What exactly do you want from me?"
  • "Your forgiveness,"
  • "Cut that bullshit, what exactly do you want from me," Zayn asked again but the unwavering look on Will's face told him he was serious. "Are you ready to tell me what happened nine years ago?"
  • Will looked away and Zayn got the message loud and clear. He wasn't ready to talk.
  • "I don't know what your main purpose here is but if you're actually looking for forgiveness then you're searching in the wrong place, 'cause now I don't even want to see your face so how exactly do you think i'll be able to forgive you?"
  • "Then I'll keep working here until you forgive me," Will said looking hell bent on his decision and Zayn couldn't help but scoff at that. He felt Will was taking this too lightly, so he was going to make him regret coming back after all this time and make him submit a letter of resignation on his own. He got up and stood just an inch away from Will who's emerald eyes had to look up at him. His hands slid into his pocket as a smug curled up his lips, he won the height stage.
  • "Fine. You really want this job? It's yours," Zayn said and a suspicious look pulled up on Will's face.
  • "What are you trying to do?" Will asked and Zayn pursed his lips and hummed like he was giving something a thought.
  • "Nothing actually. I won't do anything... but i'll make sure you hand over a resignation letter on your own." Zayn said softly and Will smirked as Zayn immediately had a wave of regret in his decision to stay so close.
  • Now he could get a close look at Will's full lips that had softness written all-over it, he suddenly remembered how they had kissed and a burning sensation filled his throat as his last thread of reason almost snapped.
  • A finger snapped in front of him and he blinked to see Will with a questioning look on his face.
  • "You still here?" He asked and Zayn gritted his teeth and swallowed.
  • That was close.