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Chapter 7 “Do You Want This?”

  • ( Missamy CHARM POV's )
  • I let go of his hand because I have to carry my elegant wedding gown.
  • Just going back few hours ago, I entered this place wearing jeans and shirt and look at me now, I am going out wearing wedding dress and will be married in a while. Wow! Just that quick!
  • It is the best feeling wearing a wedding gown. This makes me so even more beautiful. Now I understand why brides were very different on their wedding day.
  • I saw my brother outside a car, not just an ordinary car, a limousine.
  • My brother is staring at me, with smile. As if I did a good deed.
  • I felt the nervousness again and it has worsened. Feeling like anytime I would collapse and have attack.
  • Charm! You can do it! We can do it! Fight! Never give up! Of course, Always think positive!
  • I was about to go when I saw two little cute girls having tantrums. They were crying hardly.
  • “I guess my flower girls are not yet ready.”
  • “As you can see.” my brother sigh.
  • They were so cute. My eyes were flattered. I really love cute kids and cute stuff! Cuteness overload!
  • “Why are they crying?” I asked the housemaids.
  • “Miss, they wanted this bouquet.” She answered as she points to the bouquet the other housemaid is holding.
  • “I don’t like this basket! I want those flowers Nanny!” one of the cute little girls yelling.
  • “Me too!” The other kid also cried.
  • “Are they twins?” I asked myself. Despite of the situation, I asked that? Are you kidding Missamy?
  • I get the flowers from the servant and my brother come closer to us…
  • “Do you want this?”
  • “And your gown too!” Oh that… hahaha.. My brother scratched his head as he heard the cute little girl said this. I just laughed.
  • “I promise you guys, fifteen years from now you will be wearing this gown too.” I told them with a bright smile on my face.
  • “Fifteen years!” they answered while complaining.”
  • “Yes, and you would be as beautiful as me with your wedding gowns, don’t you know you look so cute on your gowns too…”
  • “But our basket doesn’t fit to your gown….” One of the girls said and pout.
  • “It would. If they fill it with flowers.”
  • “Flowers!” They answered together again.
  • “Yes.” I stare at my brother. ”And where are the flower petals that were supposed to be here inside the basket?”
  • “Here it is.” And finally, problem was solved.
  • ( Missamy Charm POV's )
  • We entered the car now.
  • While on our way to church, my brother is still very busy doing things on his phone.
  • And if you’re going to ask me? You wouldn’t imagine how terrible I am feeling right now.
  • Then I remember something. I stared to my brother, waiting to look at me. Until he lifted his face. His eyes met mine.
  • “Bro, will the wedding be private?”
  • “Nope.” He answered in a very calm voice and still busy on his tablet this time.
  • “What?!” Oh my goodness! Really? Wait… Do I need to be shock?
  • “This would be broadcast publicly. Mr. Jeff Lee Chan is the chairman of the famous entertainment industry here in our country, if you don’t know.” he responds with my sudden I-don’t-have-idea behavior. “So, you don’t have to react a bolt out of the blue. This will be broadcast publicly.”
  • My brother has given me many surprises this day.
  • “Are you serious brother? All of the people around us would know about it!”
  • “Yah.” As he exhale. Even our relatives who don’t treat us as part of their family or even my classmates who were obsessively addicted to Jeff Lee Chan? Oh my gosh!
  • “Brother…”
  • “Missamy Charm…Relax, it is just a game.”
  • “But why? For what reason?”
  • “For your future…” and this seemed to be a riddle for me.
  • “What?”
  • “Whatever you may gain in this game, it will be for the sake of your future.”
  • My brother speaks like I would be the only one who’s going to benefit from this.
  • “You always think of me Carlos, how about yourself?” the thought I didn’t give a voice.
  • Without his anticipation, I suddenly hug him. Which make the paper file diffuse from his lap.
  • His overflowing love and concern for me is priceless. Thank you.
  • “This is for the future of both of us bro! I do my best to make you proud of me!”
  • “Very well said. Don’t hug me.” And he take off my hands from hugging. “Don’t flirt too much Missamy.”
  • I just smiled. I wonder when you would find a girl who will make you complete you and happy. I can’t wait to meet the future mother of Little Juan Carlos! I’m so excited bro! Fighting!
  • ( Missamy Charm's POV )
  • “But you have to make sure Charm that you won’t get hurt. I will not forgive myself if I see you being hurt or humiliated by others.” A sweet reminder from my big bro.
  • Though touched by these sweet and thoughtful words I predicted not being affected and rebutted.
  • ”Ohhh really? But when you bully me everything seems alright. Then now, look at you, telling me that you don’t want to see me getting hurt? HAHAHAHA. You’re so jocular bro. Remember, you just told me we don’t have to be serious with this game right? So what happened? You’re acting the other way around. Did you forget, we will always be buddy forever right?!” I can’t shut my mouth from speaking.
  • “Not forever.” My brother is really killjoy ever since. “You’re a grown-up young lady already. You should take care of yourself.” Are you kicking me out of your league Juan Carlos?! But… Yeah, I’m already old to be dependent too much to him.
  • My brother keeps giving me reminders all throughout this day. Seems weird.
  • “Of course bro!” I proudly answered.
  • “Good.” he hand me a folder. “So, this will be your role for five months. You would be MR. Jeff Lee Chan’s wife from now on.”
  • “What’s this?” A paper Charm. Obvious?
  • “Alright to make things clear I am going to explain what’s going on.” he fixed his sleeve. “Jeff as you know, he’s my boss. He’s now facing a family problem between his family. It is part of their tradition that before their family head retired, there should be a someone who will be passed on the position. Where it was given formal blessing and tradition to them. They believe that this tradition will bring liveliness, joy and wealth. Most especially a prayer that will make their successful life stable.” and tucked his sleeve neatly.
  • “They were three in the family which the elder is deciding to choose from. All of them are not married yet nor have their own families. Jeff Lee Chan will never be the next family head because of his background. He’s the only unfortunate among his siblings. And the qualification of being the next Elder or family head is their success in field of business. Even he is the eldest and legitimate son.”
  • “What? Why would not it be? He owns a big Entertainment Industry and Game manufacturer in this country.” he smile back to me.
  • “Charm as what I have told you, they were three. My boss, Jeff has a problem with their elder and he was so unlucky in life. He’s the poorest among them.”
  • “What do you mean? His siblings were richer than him?!” Jeff is not wealthy to them? How about his luxurious mansion?!
  • “Tss. Yes of course. He is poor comparing him to his siblings. His brothers are very successful compared to him. Master Shin Lee Chan owns an organization which manages several operations of various businesses. Likewise, with Master Jean Lee Chan.”
  • “Huh?” I can’t even imagine how rich they were based on what I’ve heard from my brother.
  • “You’re so dull. Tss. You’re a bit stupid Charm.”
  • “Wait, you are trying to say that your boss’ affluence, Jeff Lee Chan is nothing to compared in his brother’s wealth?!”
  • “Exactly. Finally you got the answer.” He said as he seems so irritated to me.