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Chapter 3 I Hate The Way He Talks

  • ( Missamy Charm POV;s )
  • “Charm, they’re already downstairs.” My brother called me, and I immediately went down without even combing my hair.
  • “I’m coming.” I answered while binding my hair.
  • I hurriedly went down, and open the gate. There are two guys wearing black suit with matching black eyeglasses waiting. I waved my hands to greet them. Feeling close I am right?
  • In a little while, my brother followed wearing his formal clothes looking like a lawyer as if he will be going to a court trail.
  • It is too difficult to iron that uniform!
  • He directly goes inside the van and opened its door. He looked at me…
  • “Go inside.”
  • “Okay.” I replied feeling tension. Worrying not to do my part and my brother would lose his job.
  • On our way, I tried talking to my brother who’s busy with his tablet while glancing at the folder from time to time. And Yes, you’re right, he didn’t even answer me back. What a shame on me.
  • “You know what bro, I was just wondering why I am feeling nervous.”
  • Then whoa! I get his attention. Maybe because I am asking awhile ago with nonsense things.
  • “Chill. You’ll get more nervous when you’re already in front of him, that would be less than later, you’ll see. But you need not to worry Charm, he won’t eat you. He just don’t want noisy person. So, you better shut up your mouth. When he asked, you must answer him directly without any hesitation. Are we clear Charm?” He told me all these things without even looking at me.
  • So hilarious. My brother is really rare. You wouldn’t find a mean brother like him I’m telling you. HAHA
  • “Okay”. I answered back. “But I’m just really curious all this time, you’ve been working to him and you never ever mentioned that he’s your boss?”
  • “Because I don’t want to.” I hate the way he talks.
  • He’s really like that. He answers in a way that will end the conversation. No more, no less.
  • ( Missamy Charm POV's )
  • “Is he kind?” I asked him.
  • My brother glance at me and gave me a very simple smile.
  • “Strict but kind.”
  • “Do you think we will be good together?”
  • “We’ll it depends on how long you can deal with him. But promise me, don’t give up Charm. Okay?”
  • “What do you mean?” with too much confusion on my face.
  • “Hmmm. To tell you the truth, he’s really strict. He is a Half-Chinese Man. So, it is understandable that he’s like that. Too perfectionist. And they have lots of family traditions. You better watch out.”
  • “Then, do you think he’ll also be strict to me?”
  • “You have to do what the agreement and conditions stated. That’s all. Nothing to worry Charm, if your obedient enough right? So, don’t feel nervous.”
  • He answered giving me peace of mind and sighed.
  • His phone rang again. His lap looks like a table with many things on top of it that has something to do in relation to his work.
  • He is a workaholic… a sacrifice for you Charm. Sigh.
  • Since he’s busy, I just enjoy sightseeing.
  • (Missamy Charm POV's )
  • We entered in a huge gate. The surrounding was filled with trees, that shades the road. I breath the fresh air, that make me calm a little.
  • Until…
  • We passed another gate?! And shocks… a gigantic mansion waiting for us.
  • Wow! That’s the only word I can described the surrounding. Ah! Splendid! Since in Alladin, that's the proper word for "undescridable feeling."
  • I was so amazed with the size of this house! The mesmerizing beauty of the garden that we passed through, with a car ride! Yeah! the garden is huge!
  • As the car stop at the front of the porch, I open my mouth with awe and shocked to the people who are in line, just to greet us.
  • Are you a prince brother?! I mean… Jeff Lee Chan… hehehe, he is rich, but I never thought like this.
  • My brother shoved me, guided going inside the house.
  • Those people who line up, bowed as we enter. Goddamn. Opsss… I cursed. Sorry. No need to bow! We are not royals, or what? I can’t accept it.
  • I got back into myself when….
  • “Stay here.” Carlos told me, and I answered with a nod while sitting on a soft sofa.
  • My brother signal one of the housemaids, says something and they both vanished into my sight.
  • Since no one’s around and I was really excited to take a look at the things on the living room. A very big guardian angel caught my attention. Wonderful! It was made of crystal and its sword is raised which seems to be guarding… a crystal box?
  • I really got curious.
  • I looked at it, and guess what is inside the crystal box.
  • It was just a bracelet!
  • A cheap and… I can buy it for a single penny.
  • I wasn’t expecting it. Disappointed.
  • I thought it would be an expensive diamond or a bar of gold, but it was just a plain bracelet.
  • Yes a bracelet!
  • But?...
  • My eyes widened, realizing that…
  • Yes! I remember!
  • It was five years ago!
  • This bracelet is exactly the same as what my mom gave me which she bought in a church, but suddenly I just lost it a day after. But why is it here?
  • My name was even inscribed in pellet. Charm.
  • ( Missamy Charm POV's )
  • “Miss…” someone called me. Not anticipate of it, I was about to make a trouble! The Crystal box would have fallen if have not saved it.
  • Gosh! It’s good I have a flexible body and long fingers.
  • That moment scared me. Thanks God it’s safe.
  • When I look of who’s talking to me, they were two maids wearing ruffled uniform. It looks very cute on them. Can I try them too?
  • “Yes?” before they notice what I am doing, I keenly walk where I supposed to be sitting.
  • “Our master Jeff asked us to prepare a breakfast for you. It is already served on the dining table. Follow us.”
  • “Oh, really thank you so much but I have eaten my breakfast already.” Then I went back to the sofa.
  • Hey Charm just sit down; you might break something expensive here. If you don’t want your brother to get fired?
  • Hence, something is still bothering me, why is it that my bracelet is there? It has my name on it. Charm.
  • I’m really sure it was really mine!
  • “Well, since you’ve eaten your breakfast let’s prepare for your wedding later.”
  • Later? What!? As in Today?!
  • “Hehe. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to marry him. Another thing is that I haven’t read the agreement yet.”
  • I wonder if they know it is just a game. Not serious, real nor the ideal type of wedding I could ever imagine. Then they left me.
  • But my hair stands its own when…
  • “Charm!” My brother barked my name, in a bit high tone of his voice. Yay! Carlos! You scared me!
  • “You have to follow them!” he is talking about the servant intension awhile ago.
  • “But…”
  • “No buts! I already talked to him. He’s still having his breakfast. It is better if you already get prepared. The time is running.” then he pulled me.
  • “Wait! Why are we rushing?!”
  • But he pushed me towards the housemaids. I have a very bad brother. I told you he is too… tooooooo… demonic sometimes!
  • He’s so into his boss’ game. Pretending it’s him who’s in this kind of situation?!
  • “Follow them.” Two words that I want to punch my brother. But… I need to do this. Sigh.