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Chapter 2 New Girl On The Block [Shawn]

  • "That's unfair," Ryker speaks up without taking his eyes off his phone. "Parents shouldn't tell their children what to do with their lives. They should just give them the best chance to live their lives."
  • Words of wisdom from my baby brother. Of course, he's not a baby anymore — he's nearly as tall as I am - but a part of me will always see him as that teeny human in diapers and blue socks that Mom brought home from the hospital when I was six.
  • "Also..." He puts his phone away. "It's just wrong to marry a woman because you hope she'll give you a child to carry your family name. You're not Henry VIII. Marriage should be about love, or at least mutual respect and trust. And sex should be something you do not just for fleeting pleasure or procreation but because you want to connect more deeply with someone."
  • Exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  • "Wow." Even Asher looks impressed. "Is that why you haven't done it with anyone, little brother?"
  • He picks up his refilled glass and gulps down its contents before I can.
  • Ryker frowns. "Just because I don't sleep with as many women as you do doesn't mean I haven't slept with any at all."
  • I grin. Nice one, Ryker.
  • "Go ahead, then," Asher replies calmly. "You're the VP of Acquisitions now, little brother, so tell me how many women you've... acquired."
  • "Women are human beings with hearts and souls, not puzzles or trophies," Ryker retorts.
  • That has got to hurt.
  • "Says the guy who's never had one," Asher bangs him back.
  • I don't think that's true, and yet Ryker's forehead furrows. His brown eyes sharpen into stakes.
  • I know that look. Ryker may have the most patience of us three, but when his fuse burns down he can go nuclear.
  • "Alright, enough." I put down my glass and come between them, placing my hands firmly on their shoulders. "You know what else is unfair? The two of you drinking by yourselves and leaving me to entertain the guests and answer questions from the media. This is your party, too, you know. I'm not the only one who got a promotion."
  • "But you're the one who got promoted to the top," Asher points out. "Why would they want to talk to the CFO when they can talk to the CEO?"
  • "You're the head honcho, big bro," Ryker agrees. "We're just employees."
  • I wrap my arms around them. "Then as your boss, I order you to leave this bar and — "
  • A tap on my shoulder interrupts my command. I turn my head and see my father standing behind me. What does he want this time?
  • "Yes?" I ask him.
  • "There's someone you have to meet."
  • Here we go again.
  • "And the two of you," he tells Asher and Ryker. "Get off your lazy asses and get to work. You have to convince everyone you earned those titles you've just been given."
  • Asher gives a salute. "Yes, sir."
  • "Okay, Dad," Ryker answers as he gets to his feet.
  • So they'll listen to him but not to me? Guess I know who's still the boss around here.
  • Dad pats my shoulder. "You, come along with me."
  • Like my brothers, who are now off their stools, I obey. I smooth the edges of my woolen jacket as I follow my father across the garden towards the pool. I see a twenty-something brunette standing near the edge, her gaze lost in the water.
  • She's wearing a long-sleeved pink lace dress with a touch of black around her neck, around her slim waist and at the hem of her skirt, which is just a tad below her knees. White sandals encase her feet, their pointy heels putting her at around 5'5".
  • Shorter than the women I've gone out with, but I don't mind, especially when she turns her head and I find myself staring into stunning amber eyes like orbs of flame. They take me back to summer evenings spent around a campfire and winter midnights when I'd sit on the couch and revel in the comfort of the hearth.
  • Those eyes go with a button nose and full lips coated ruby red. I drop my gaze further, following the strip of black of lace down the middle of her protruding chest. When I lift it up again, she looks away. A blush coats her cheeks as she purses her lips.
  • I suppress a frown.
  • Damn it, Shawn. Could you be any more obvious about checking a woman out?
  • I like what I see, alright, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go down on one knee and propose or take her to my bed. Well, the latter sounds tempting, but I'm not going to do it just because my father is suggesting it. There's no way I'm going to give him that satisfaction.
  • "This is Felicity Graham," Dad introduces. "She's worked with some big names in the past. An actor. An author. A governor."
  • She has impressive credentials. Of course.
  • "She knows four different languages, including sign language, has a black belt in karate, and is really good with computers. Or so I've been told,"
  • Karate? With that petite body and those slender arms and legs? I guess she's tougher than she looks.
  • "It's a brown belt, actually,"
  • Felicity corrects my father as she tucks a wavy strand of cappuccino brown hair behind her ear, which has a pearl earring hanging from it. "I didn't have time to get to black."
  • "That's fine." My father pats her shoulder. "I bet you can still kick ass."
  • She doesn't answer.
  • "Anyway, I hope the two of you get along," Dad goes on. "It may be a little rough in the beginning, but I know the two of you will mesh into a great team."
  • Whoa. This is more than persistent. This is desperate. And disappointing.
  • "Dad?"
  • "Just try to be gentle with her," Dad continues without giving me a chance to speak. "Give her time to adjust. And you, my dear, find out what Shawn likes, his kinks, his pet peeves. Accommodate his needs as much as you can, anticipate his moods, his moves. Endure when things get uncomfortable."
  • "Dad!" I raise my voice.
  • This is too much. He's treating me like a five-year-old kid. No. Worse, actually. I feel like I'm being pimped out by my own father. It's embarrassing as hell.
  • "But know when to speak up," he goes on, his attention completely on Felicity. "You can't let him get away with everything. Sometimes, you have to take the driver's seat, too."
  • "Dad, I'm not having sex with her, okay?" I blurt out.
  • Finally, he stops talking. He turns his head to look at me as if I've just said something absurd — and I realize I have, so I quickly look around. Thankfully, no one seems to have been listening in on our conversation.
  • Felicity, obviously, has heard every word. Her cheeks are so red that they're nearly the same shade as her lipstick and she's looking at me with wide eyes.
  • Then her gaze drops to the cement as her fingers fidget with the hems of her sleeves.
  • Shit. I've humiliated her, haven't I? And hurt her, probably.
  • "I hope not," my father breaks the awkward silence hanging in the air.
  • I Jook at him with furrowed eyebrows. What did he just say?
  • "Otherwise, the two of you might not be able to work together," he adds.
  • Work together? What nonsense is my old man spouting this time?
  • He squeezes Felicity's shoulder. "Felicity here is going to be your executive assistant. You know, she's going to be managing your schedule, setting up your meetings, screening your calls, preparing your documents, planning your trips, getting your suits dry cleaned, all those things that Roseanne used to do for me."
  • My eyebrows arch. "Why, what happened to Roseanne?"
  • "She asked me if she could retire when I stepped down, and I thought it was only right. I was going to suggest it to her, actually. She was my assistant for so many years. Now, Felicity will be yours. Sounds good?"
  • I feel like slapping my forehead. Now that everything makes sense, I feel even more embarrassed. Instead, I straighten my shoulders as I turn to Felicity with a smile.
  • "Perfect," I tell her. "And I hope you'll forgive me for the misunderstanding earlier."
  • Felicity shakes her head. "No worries, sir."
  • "I look forward to working with you. I'm sure we can make a great team and learn a lot from each other."
  • She smiles back. "Thank you."
  • It's a hesitant yet warm smile that brings out more of the golden flecks in her eyes. It lights up her entire face.
  • Fuck. Now that I know I can't sleep with her, I feel like doing it even more, even if it's just to see how her eyes look when glossed over with lust, just to see what kind of smile she can show me when we're done.