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Chapter 4 Wedding

  • "I want you to get married and you are marrying him"
  • My lips parted in shock as a stared in his eyes which contained nothing but evilness.I was waiting for him to say that it's a total lie that he's lying but No nothing..
  • "Your sister can't make it plus I'm not going to tell her because I don't want her to get distracted in her work. It will be an obstacle for her. Be ready.Tomorrow is your wedding."
  • He straightened himself and started to walk outside.
  • "You h-hate me that much?"
  • I whispered while sobbing what he heard and what he said after just shattered my heart into million pieces.
  • "Too much that you can't even imagine"
  • I closed my eyes letting the tears flow, feeling a sharp pain in my chest.He's words hit me like a bullet.
  • He never considered me his daughter, not in his heart, not in front of the whole world .I was just a key to making Naomi do whatever he wants, For the world Mr.Louis Madison have only one daughter and that is Naomi Madison, only her. Why?...
  • he was ashamed of me and still is, as I'm not good at interacting with peoples.I'm not fierce and confident like Naomi.Does that make me weak and incapable?, well that's what he considered about me but how weird it is. she's suffering more than me. she's like a official weapon for him to make millions while I'm his hidden weapon so that he can use it whenever he wants like he's using right now trading me by marrying me off to I don't know with whom.
  • I once again stared at the window.I don't even know who my groom is with whom I'm marrying off.Hell I don't even know his name but I'm having a hope in my heart maybe something good will happen... maybe?
  • will he end my pain and torture? will I be able feel love and care for once?...I hope this torture will come to an end.
  • 'but little did she know that her painful life is going to be more painful as he isn't her hope but her worst nightmare'
  • ***
  • author's POV
  • Vincent was sitting on his king size bed shirtless.He's upper body was covered with tattoos.A dragon tattoo on his back below his neck and other on his biceps with eagle one which were making him look scarier.He's 6'1 and a broad muscular man with perfectly sculptured body. He's alone enough to take down more than 10 men's at a time...yes that's how he had trained himself for years.
  • he's dark aura was surrounding his room, his room has the same darkness as him.It was filled with dark marbles even the walls the room were lavish yet fancy.Fucking Expensive.
  • He stared blankly at the picture in his hand.He traced his fingers on the man in picture, who was smiling brightly while his one arm was wrapped around Vincent's shoulder.he's brother is the only source of happiness in his life for whom he can gave up his life without any hesitation.No one has ever seen this mafia Don smiling just for once but when it comes to to his brother Leonardo even though he's emotionless.He loves he's brother more than anything.Leonardo was his only safe zone, a home...he's love and care is more like mother's love which Vincent has craved for years if he hate someone in the world more than anything then it's their Mother and they have a reason behind it.No one could compete his brother's love.
  • soon he's soft eyes turned red into anger.
  • He clenched his jaw as soon as he remember Leonardo's vulnerable state and his last words.
  • 'Leo don't close your eyes, keep them open for me plea-'
  • 'N-no Vin-ncent, N-naomi s-she's-'
  • Vincent closed his eyes as remembered Leonard's last words.He stood in front the mirror and stared at the picture.
  • "I wish I could knew about your pain Leo.I wish I would have searched about her and could stopped you"
  • he attached picture on the mirror and stared at his shirtless muscular body with sharp and dangerous gaze which were full of rage.
  • "Is this how you payed his unconditional love Naomi Madison?how dare you...I'll make you feel the same pain which my brother had felt"
  • he said with rage in his dark brown orbs
  • ***
  • Vincent entered the Madison's mansion with Luca by his side, as soon as Louis saw Vincent entering his mansion he smirk at his plan to marry off Eva instead of Naomi.He chuckled at his own smartness but he's messing with a wrong person.He came forward while welcoming Vincent.
  • "hello my soon to be son in law your welcome here please make yourself comfortable and let me sake serve yo--"
  • before he could complete he's sentence Vincent cut him off by saying
  • "I'm not here for your fucking sake serving.Here are the marriage certificate I've already signed"
  • he said while handing marriage certificate from Luca's hand to Louis.
  • Louis grabbed the certificate and went towards Eva's room.Louis knew that he's playing with fire.He knows that if Vincent came to know about the truth that he's getting married to Eva not Naomi by then Mr.Madison will be breathing his last breath.
  • Vincent can tolerate anything but not betrayel and a single finger on his loved ones.He didn't waited for Eva and went straight to his car and went home before ordering Luca to bring Eva with him.
  • Louis didn't object as he had no Interest in this marriage all the preparation he has done was just to convince Eva for the marriage.He had bribed the contract papers by putting an invisible stick on Naomi's name and replaced it with Eva's name showing.Eva and Vincent's marriage certificate.
  • Louis entered the room and saw Eva standing in front of the window.she was looking like an angel with light natural makeup.Her wedding gown was off shoulder with long split on her left leg making it look sexy the gown was showing off her beautiful curves which were looking lavish in that gown.she was looking beautifully gorgeous but how sad it is that her faith isn't that beautiful.she like a precise daughter but how cruel this man is he's selling off his daughter and making her tangled up in a relationship full of pain and lies.
  • If he had felling of a real father then he would have been cried in happiness while looking at her with so much admiration in his eyes would have been grateful to have a daughter like her but how pathetic her faith is.He doesn't feel anything or he don't want to feel anything.He's heart has turned into stoned which will only break at his funeral.
  • she turned towards him. He placed the bribed contract on her bed and motioned her to sign them.She took the contract and sat on the bed, her hands were trembling when she grabbed the pen while Louis watched her every move. At this time Eva was missing her sister so much.She wanted someone to embrace her to tell that everything will be alright.She looked at her father expecting a little comfort, emotion but got nothing except blank emotions.
  • she mentally laughed.She really expected something from this man.The man who only brought her nothing else but pain, tears and fear.she signed the paper with her trembling hand, a tear escaped from her caramel eyes landing on the paper.Her grabbed the papers and wiped off her tears, he looked at her and sighed.He had no idea why but he felt little pain in his chest which he ignored it right away.He convinced himself while saying
  • 'everthing's happenning to her because she deserves it.These two sisters only deserves pain and nothing else'
  • He was about to walk out of the room but stopped and started speak while his back was still facing her.
  • "From now on, you are his...only his.He can do anything with you as long as he wants, your his property...remember it.
  • No matter what he do or say never disobey him, do as he say and bear everything he exclaims because for you there's no turning back get that in your pie size mind!.His home is your refuge and he's your everything.Never try to escape his territory Caz this mansion is not your home anymore to comeback and from now on you're not my were never and from now onwards.."
  • 'you belongs to Vincent Volkov'
  • with that he walked away. Eva wasn't shocked on her father's words she knew once she's married he's going to cut her off from his life forever.
  • she placed a hand on her heart clutching it painfully.
  • "How can you love him, this cruel person.How can he be my father?"
  • she asked herself while tears escaped her eyes. She never wanted to marry at least not to the person whom she hardly even know but what can a poor and helpless girl like her could do?Try to run, protest, stand for herself?These things seems very easy to think and speak but it's not for someone like her who had always suffered from her miseries. She has no power to bear another pain.She knows that escaping will only bring her tremendous sufferings in her life.Protest will only bring pain for her loved ones.She doesn't want Naomi to be hurt.Her father can do anything to make Eva do things he says he won't hesitate to hurt Naomi if I protest. He's heartless and ruthless jerk.
  • ****
  • Vincent was sitting on his bed.Thighs apart placing both elbows on his knees.He was mentally cursing on his faith.Cursing that he just got married to his brother's girlfriend and lover.The same girl who's the reason of his brother's misery.He was waiting for her so that he could start her journey of hell.
  • 'but little did he know.He indeed got married but not with Naomi Madison but with Eva Madison..A broken Angel'
  • Eva slowing opened the door knob while entering the room then closed it behind her back but got frozen against the door.Her brown hazel eyes got widened as she catches glimpse of her husband who was staring at the floor with his sharp gaze.He's dark aura was enough to scare the shit out of her.She examines her well built husband with broad shoulders and muscular chest.She wasn't expecting this.She thought, she got married with an old man but to her surprise.He's indeed handsome with his well built body which could attract any girl and he don't even have to try.I'm sure womens would throw themselves in his arms but the tattoos peeking up from his neck and hands were enough to make her gulp in fear.She only knew that he's a billionaire but watching his posture is enough to make her believe that he's related to some gang.
  • Her already frozen body becomes stiffened when he turned his head while staring intensely at her from head to toe.He rolled his sleeves up to his bulky arms showing his tattoo by the look of his face it was Clear that he isn't happy with this marriage neither she was.He's veins were popping out from his arms.
  • He took slow steps towards her stiffened body like a predator. She pressed herself harder on the door being scared.He placed his hands beside her head on the door trapping her small body between his bulky arms.Eva instantly closed her eyes shut when she felt him leaning towards her lips.Poor girl won't even stop him for her he's her husband and has all rights to do so that's what her father feeded her brain but what he said next left her in complete dilemma.
  • "You really thought that I would kiss a whore like you?"
  • Her eyes shoot open meeting an empty dark orbs who were staring at her with nothing but hate.Watching her confused and hurt expression he let out a humorous laugh and said.
  • "why! don't act all innocent.Let me knock some little sense out of you"
  • with that he harshly grabbed her arm pulling her infront of mirror.He made her hit on his hard chest and hugged her from behind more like squeezing her painfully.He leaned forward towards her ears and said harshly while squeezing her waist.
  • "Leonardo Volkov.Does it rings a bell"
  • Eva frowned at his words in confusion but soon hissed in pain as he squeezed her even more leaving a red mark on her delicate waist.
  • "w-what a-re y-you talking a-about?"
  • " forgot so easily about him...Naomi Madison"
  • Eva's eyes widened in shock.She instantly pushed him away but he didn't even bulged from his place.A little push could do nothing for him.
  • "what did you just called m-me?"
  • He harshly slammed her on the wall beside him making her yelped in pain.
  • "Now you don't even remember your name huh..."
  • she was still confused but then realization hit her.He wanted to marry Naomi but her father used her in the of Naomi.She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. How could he stepped so low?How could he?
  • He saw her lack of reaction and grabbed her arm harshly pulling her towards him.She landed on his chest in just one jerk.
  • "don't you dare to think that the innocent look on your face can melt me.You are just a whore for me.A whore tha-"
  • Hearing his words made Eva lost her emotions and she roughly thrashed in his arms making Vincent to let her go.He was about grab her arms but stopped hearing her next words.
  • "I'm not Naomi .I'm Eva, Eva Madison her twin sister"