Chapter 25 An Outsider Part 2
- An hour later I was at Marcel’s mansion, after pulling on a baggy pair of jeans that I held up with a belt, a cropped beige long-sleeved top and twisted my hair into a messy knot on top of my head. I knew it looked silly, my hair was very silky and straight, making strands of hair stick up in all directions refusing to bend, but hey, I wasn’t trying to please anyone.
- Leo and Nikki were here, and if they had argued before there was no sign of it now. He looked effortlessly handsome as ever, in black jeans and a dark grey short-sleeved shirt, leaving his muscular tattooed arms on display. He was wearing shades and he had a cigarette between those lips of his. He leaned against the wall of the mansion as Marcel put slices of meat on the barbeque.
- "Azura, look what Grandad made!" Corrado called, hurrying over to me the moment I stepped into the garden.