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Chapter 7 The Missing Necklace

  • Dora's POV
  • I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed after a full night's rest.
  • "Sunny days are signs of a great day." I smiled, stretching out the knots in my bones.
  • The knot of despair in my chest had loosened overnight.
  • "Perhaps today I would find the perfect opportunity to regain my freedom if I persevered."
  • I rushed into the bathroom and quickly washed up. And for the first time ever since I arrived, I allowed myself to enjoy the luxurious bath.
  • "Good morning, Luna." Mary chirped the moment I stepped back into the room. I bit back my scoff and grunted a reply.
  • "Morning Mary, how was your night?" I said instead, then scolded myself for asking. I watched with dismay as the girl's eye widened in surprise.
  • "I'm alright ma'am! Thanks. I brought your breakfast. I don't know what you like so I made everything."
  • I glanced at the table by the window. She made everything indeed. Eggs bacon, sandwiches to pancakes.
  • I shook my head. "I don't need those, I'm not hungry." I wasn't, all that food from last hasn't finished digesting.
  • "You have to eat something Miss. The Alpha would come knocking on your door if I returned with the food untouched." Mary looked ready to cry again.
  • "Fine. I'll eat but on one condition. You'll eat with me." Mary looked reluctant before giving in.
  • Since I'll be escaping, I might need all the food I can get. Lord knows when I'll be able to eat something nice once I leave.
  • Mary and I ate together for a while before she left.
  • I dressed quickly, choosing a casual outfit suitable for searching the streets. Though previous escape attempts had failed, I clung to a spark of hope that I would someday outwit King. I just needed to be ready.
  • Right on time, a knock sounded at my door. I opened it to find Derek, the guy from the party with fang earrings, waiting politely.
  • "Morning Dora, we meet again. Are you ready for our outing?"
  • "Y-yes." I nodded, grabbing a small shoulder bag. Derek led me downstairs to one of the sleek black Sedan idling in the drive. To my dismay, King leaned against the vehicle with his arms crossed casually. His sharp eyes tracked me as we approached.
  • "Shit." I whispered, which unfortunately reached King's ears. He smirked.
  • "I will accompany you today, to ensure nothing goes amiss," he informed me. I tensed, sensing his mistrust, but merely ducked my head submissively and climbed into the backseat. King slid in beside me while Derek took the wheel.
  • We rode in silence through the dense forest. I kept my gaze fixed out the window, watching the scenery transition from woodland to urban sprawl.
  • "How can I escape when King is right here?"
  • My pulse quickened as the alley where I had been attacked came into view. This was my chance to search for my lost belongings. Surely King would not deny me that small dignity.
  • As the sedan slowed, I turned to him imploringly. "Please, allow me to look on my own. I will not stray far, I swear it."
  • King considered me for a long moment before inclining his head. "You have one hour. Do not abuse my trust." His unspoken warning was clear.
  • "Thank you," I murmured. The second Derek opened my door, I hopped out and hurried into the alley before King could change his mind.
  • It looked different by daylight - less ominous and more mundane. I quickly located the dumpster where I had huddled that stormy night. Rusty fire escapes and sagging clotheslines hung overhead.
  • It did not take long to find the battered duffel bag containing my scattered belongings. I rifled through clothes, toiletries, and books, reassured to see nearly everything present. But my cherished moonstone necklace, a gift from my late mother, was missing.
  • "Please let it be here!"
  • My heart seized with panic. That necklace was my sole remaining link to her. I had to find it! Frantically I searched the filthy ground on hands and knees. But the shimmering pendant was nowhere to be found.
  • "This can't be happening."
  • Despair threatened to choke me. I could not lose that necklace!
  • "What if those thugs had stolen or pawned it?" I blinked back tears, cursing myself for being so careless with such a precious memento.
  • I pushed past King, heading back the direction I recalled stumbling through that awful night. To my surprise, he did not immediately seize or restrain me.
  • Still, I could sense his looming presence as I zig-zagged across streets and sidewalks, peering desperately under benches and into gutters. The neighborhood had come to life in the morning light, with people bustling about on their errands.
  • At one corner, a grizzled homeless man eyed me curiously. I paused - Could he have found my necklace?
  • Crouching down, I gave him my most disarming smile. "Excuse me sir, I don't mean to bother you, but I lost a necklace around here a week ago. Silver chain with a pearl pendant. Have you happened across it?"
  • The man frowned, then his face lit up. "Pretty pearl on a string? I found one just like that in the gutter. Traded it for a hot meal and a nip of whiskey." He chuckled at the memory.
  • My heart sank, and I sagged against a lamp post, choking back sobs of despair. The autumn chill bit through my light jacket, but I no longer cared. All that mattered was gone forever now.
  • At length my tears ran their course. King stroked my hair gently until the sobs subsided.
  • Footsteps at the alley entrance heralded King's arrival. I glanced up at him beseechingly. "Please, take me to the pawn shop. I have to find my necklace!"
  • King's expression darkened. He crossed his arms. "The hour is up. We must return home."
  • Home. As if that gilded mansion prison could ever be home to me. Anger momentarily overcame my distress.
  • "I don't give a damn about your arbitrary deadline!" I snapped. "That necklace is priceless to me and I'm going to find it, with or without your permission!"