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Chapter 6

  • Karen's eyes were wide as she stared into the endless abyss that was Kai's eyes. So many questions ran through her mind all at once.
  • Why did he stop her?
  • What was wrong with him?
  • Why was her heart beating so hard?
  • Why was her skin tingling and burning where he touched her?
  • She began to thrash and struggle against him. He released her, rising to his feet as if he had touched something filthy. Karen rushed out of the bed and raced to the nearest corner, pressing herself into it as much as she could.
  • "What are you trying to do?!" Karen said, fear lacing her voice. "What is even wrong with you?! You hate me so damn much and you won't even break the mating bond between us! What exactly do you...."
  • "Strip." Karen suddenly heard the unexpected, the one word silencing her as she froze.
  • "W-what?"
  • "A word of caution, I do not repeat myself."
  • Karen stared at Kai. She scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "Strip?!" She shouted. "Who do you think you are to order me around?! You don't actually expect me to obey that command? Do you?!" She folded her arms and rolled her eyes.
  • One minute she was still talking, the next she felt his crushing grip on her jaw.
  • Gasping for air, cold shivers trailing down her spine as Kai closed the space between them in a flash and grabbed her neck. His cold eyes burned with fury as he glared at her, his jaw clenched and his fingers digging into her neck with increasing pressure.
  • "I'm your Alpha, your master... You'll obey every damn word I mutter in just a second!" He said, his voice dangerously cold, his eyes seething red. "If I say sing, you ask which song. If I say fly, you fly. If I say die, you die." She watched as his teeth gritted with anger, his eyes burning with fire.
  • Karen choked, feeling her wind pipe slowly get crushed by his anger.
  • "Do you understand?." Kai asked.
  • Karen nodded frantically. She just needed him to leave her, his hands on her neck made her see death itself. In that moment she had no doubts that he would snap her neck like a toothpick.
  • "You have thirty seconds!" Immediately he left her neck, Karen coughed spitting out blood as she struggled to gasps for air.
  • Stepping back from her, Kai with an eye so cold and cruel watched her every move, like she was a prey in the hands of her predator.
  • Her face burn red with shame and embarrassment, as she batted her lashes together trying as much as possible to avoid his scrutinizing gaze.
  • Grabbing the hem of the nightdress she wore, her hands shivered as she took her clothes off. Even without being told, she could feel his hot gaze on her, it was as if it could pierce through her heart just like an arrow. She wished the ground would open and swallow her as she imagine the fact that her body was going to be on display for his full view just like a museum.
  • "Please..." She whispered, deciding to try her luck, even though she knew that she had been witty earlier.
  • "You have fifteen seconds left" Kai said coldly.
  • This was different. This was so different from what she was used to. Her father never asked her to strip. Yes he did sometimes whip her till her clothes were torn, but this felt different.
  • Kai was watching her. She wished he would look away. His eyes looked full of death, she found herself thinking that her father's eyes never looked this heartless and cold.
  • "You have five seconds left." Kai's voice cut her form her thoughts.
  • Karen started to cry. Silent sobs spilled from her lips as she grabbed the hem and pulled it over her head, eager to be done with it. Her face burned and tears made her eyes hazy. She looked down at her feet wishing it was over, but it hadn't even started.
  • "Your father believed he was wise." Kai said. "Hiding his offspring from the world because of his evil deeds. Yet look at you right now."
  • Karen raised her head and stared him deep in the eye. If he was going to humiliate her, she might as well take it like the princess that she was.
  • She nearly laughed. All her life she had denied being a princess, hating the title. And yet here she was. Thinking of dying like one.
  • "You have no idea the things I'm going to do with you." Kai said, a dark and sinister look on his face.
  • "You will never break me." Karen spat back at him. "You might as well kill me right now."
  • "Break you?" He scoffed. "I will make you wish for death."
  • Karen clenched her fists. A cold wind blew in the through the open windows making her shiver. She felt her nipples harden form the cold, a shiver running down her spine.
  • Kai's eyes raked over her body. There was no emotion whatsoever on his face. No lust, no longing, nothing. It was like his face was a blank slate. Karen felt her stomach twist with a bunch of emotions.
  • Shame, anger, fear, frustration.
  • It pained her that he looked at her like she was a piece of furniture and not even a person. Did he really hate her that much? If he did why did he ask her to strip? What exactly was he trying to do?
  • Karen shivered again, the cold biting her bare skin. She rubbed her arms together, trying to generate some warmth for herself.
  • "Get over to the table." Kai spoke after a while. "Bend over."
  • Karen felt her heart stop. "B-bend....o-over?"
  • "You have ten seconds."
  • "I won't do that!" Karen screamed. "You can't do that to me! No one one.... No! No! I won't...."
  • She didn't get to finish her statement. A sharp pain exploded in her head. It felt like she had just gotten ran over by a truck. She screamed, her eyes going out of focus for a few seconds.
  • Her eyes came to focus on the door that was strangely side ways. She tried to raise her head up but a strong hand on her head forced her head back to the table.
  • "My goodness." She heard Kai's voice hiss in annoyance behind her. "You talk too much for a slave."
  • Fear gripped her heart as she realized the situation she was in. Kai had pushed her head into the table hard and fast, causing pain to shoot up her head. She felt his body pressed up against her back, her naked back.
  • "No..." Karen gasped, fear trembling in her voice. She couldn't believe that this was how her first time was going to go. Not under the gentle touch of her eternal mate, but taken by a man who loathed her more than anything.
  • Oh wait, he was her mate.
  • "How can you do this to me?!" Karen sobbed.
  • "Do you have any idea, how I've waited for this? I watched your father abused my mother right in my face, raped her... She was like a toy in his hands... Have you ever experienced what's it's like for one's head be dipped in a bowl of boiling water and be fucked? That was what my mother went through!"
  • "I watched him fvcked her mercilessly in all manner of ways, she was tied down, turned into a Slave and all I had to do was watch" he continued, his eyes went darker this time, as he shut his eyes close , his teeth gritting together in anger.
  • Karen felt hot tears streaking down her cheeks. Her father did that?! But why?! Why did he do such a horrible thing?!
  • "So," Kai said, she heard the sound of his belt unbuckling. "You haven't even seen half of what I have in store for you."
  • "Now, spread your legs wide!" His voice spoke huskily on her ears, sending cold shivers to run down her spine, as she felt a large rod at the back of her legs.
  • This wasn't sounding like a mere statement to Karen, it was a command, an order that she can't object to.
  • One minute she laid under the Alpha King command, the next minute, she found her legs shivering as she spread her legs wide.
  • "Please!" she whimpered, her body shivering as something as hard as rock met with her wet folds, she stiffened. She paled, she didn't need a fortune teller to tell her that it was his dick.
  • Were they normally this....vast?
  • "I'm going to fvck you hard and rough, till you beg for mercy... with that proud lips of yours, you'll plead, but then I won't stop until, I want to...." His words made her shiver with fright.
  • "I don't want this!" Karen shot back before she could stop herself.
  • "Quite a tone for someone in your position." With that, he drove into her with one pace, his full length entering her filling her every core.
  • A scream of pure agony ripped through her throat. Her body went rigid, all breath knocked out of her lungs as Kai filled her in one clean up thrust.
  • She felt like her cunt was on fire. It was like he tore through her. Karen sobbed, the pain going straight to her brain.
  • It hurt.
  • It hurt more than anything she had ever felt.
  • " o-out..." She gasped in pain.
  • Kai leaned into her ear. "What was that?" He asked at the same pulling out almost all the way only to slam back into her.
  • In her muddled state of mind, Karen realized that he was holding back on her.
  • If this was him holding back....then what was his full anger?
  • He thrust in and out of her, her cries getting louder and louder. She tried to detach herself. To remove herself from the pain mentally. But each snap of his hips forced her back to the present.
  • He grabbed her hips, his fingernails digging into her soft flesh and leaving trails of blood. He was silent, there wasn't a single sound coming from him.
  • Karen grabbed the table and tries to pull her body away from his, to give her abused body a break. He grabbed her by the hair and forced her body into a very painful arch. The new angle had him hitting an uncomfortable spot inside her that exploded into pain each time.
  • Dark spots were starting to appear in the corners of her vision.
  • How long would this go on?
  • Her body felt like it was on fire. Literally.
  • She couldn't breath, her eyes felt swollen from how long she had cried. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. She cold feel his hold on her hips getting harder and harder. She feared that he would pierce right to her bones if he didn't stop.
  • Suddenly Kai pulled out of her and dropped her body. She hit her head hard on the table and dropped to the ground. Her bones felt like they had turned to jelly in her body. The pain filled her entire body, concentrated in between her legs.
  • Kai left the room without a single word to her.
  • Karen laid on the floor, blood dripping out of her womanhood and staining her thighs and the floor. The pain wouldn't stop. Her tears wouldn't stop flowing.
  • This was going to be the rest of her days. Punished for the crimes of her father. Made to live in hell for all her days.
  • She tried to get up from the floor. Her body refused to listen to her. The cold seeped through her skin, making her shiver every two seconds.
  • Her virginity lost to a monster of a man. Karen wished for death to find her on the cold floors.