Chapter 11 Cabin In The Woods
- Astrid yipped as we zoomed our way through the forest, weaving through the trees and occasionally rolling on the forest ground. We were happy, more so because this was the first time in a long while that we got so much freedom. There were no lakes or clearing in this forest or there was, just not accessible. We looked around and found a semi-clear spot, devoid of dirt and looking pretty cosy with the spread of fallen leaves. We trotted to the spot and plopped on it. The leaves crinkled and tickled but we made ourselves comfortable.
- ‘Astrid?’ I began, because after all this time, I finally felt that we could speak to each other freely, connect and share our thoughts.
- Astrid, unlike me, didn’t like to stretch things or talk about heavy stuff. She never dwelled on anything, which is why now as we sat on the forest floor, she opted to take a rest. ‘Don’t you think we should talk?’ I asked. She merely let out an annoyed huff. ‘You don’t want to talk about how you are okay with Isaac and his wolf-’