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Chapter 3

  • LAYLA.
  • My fist is curled are swinging for his chest. they land a weak blow, but it's enough to make me feel better.
  • "You need to move three times as fast as me to be in third place, love."
  • "Shut up! I'm not doing this. The game is off."
  • "When it's just getting fun? I think not. Plus, you already agreed."
  • I shoved a finger in his face. "I did not agree to anything."
  • "What a rare moment. Layla Dean, going back on her words, here I was thinking you were better."
  • "Reverse psychology does not work on me." I seethe. He chuckles and then recoils.
  • "Reverse psychology works on everyone. Except me."
  • Boastful much? I scoff.
  • "I'll win, and you'll get four hundred. It's just a hundred grand more." That stinks of sarcasm and cockiness.
  • "I swear to the Almighty, I will kill you, Aiden. I'll be the one that gets you six feet under. I'll..."
  • I got stopped when Penelope drove in. I had about five more curses to lay on one of the worst men to walk the earth, but no. I'm proactive. Pen is here. I'll speak to her, get a hang of the task, and get a move on it, too. Once Penelope walks down the aisle, no more Aiden.
  • No more, Aiden. My mental health gets better. He drinks on me.
  • "Are you planning how to kill me? I'm deadly allergic to grapes if that helps."
  • "I'll make sure to keep that in mind!"
  • I flip him the finger and hurry to catch Penelope as she steps down.
  • "Beautiful as always!"
  • She shrieks, pulling me in by my waist. I giggle and smile completely, whipping Aiden and his stupid antics out of my head.
  • "I've missed you, Penelope. You look gorgeous."
  • Penelope has a bad girl persona. Black hair. Average height. And those lips could make heads turn.
  • "Aiden Smith."
  • He just has to ruin everything. I scowl and grimace at what I have to do next.
  • "Penelope, this is Aiden Smith. I'm sure you know his father, Grant Smith, he's quite popular."
  • Subtle shade. One point for Layla.
  • "Oh, hi. I'm Penelope Cruz."
  • "I know, with a reputation like yours, you never have to introduce yourself, but I'm in awe since pictures do little justice."
  • My friend blushed at his words. Get me a vomit bucket?
  • Rolling my eyes, I gave her a little space to lock the car doors, fetch her keys, and then invite us in.
  • "I'm quite curious as to what pleasure I have to host two billionaires in my home."
  • "Don't mess this up. Let me do the talking."
  • He warns, getting too close.
  • "Right because it would not be weird for a total stranger to want to divulge in her personal life."
  • "Quentin knows me. I can use that as an opening."
  • That's quite smart. Will I let him know, though? Not.
  • "Still, I'll talk first."
  • "Like hell."
  • "Don't even. Do not play cocky Aiden."
  • "But it's almost as fun as playing annoy, Layla."
  • I grunt at a loss for words.
  • "What was that Lay?"
  • "Nothing."
  • I respond in a pitchy tone.
  • "Well, don't just stand there; come in."
  • **
  • The apartments were all the same in Washington. A living room with a kitchenette area at the corner. A lobby then other rooms. Penelope lived in a two-bedroom apartment. She left to get changed, so I had to breathe the same air as Aiden in a confined space.
  • "When she returns, you let me start. Don't interrupt."
  • "You have some nerve, Aiden. The audacity of you to think I'll become your lap dog or someone who follows your messed-up rules."
  • "The audacity of you to think that you aren't already doing just that."
  • "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll.."
  • He cut me off by laughing. No, I could've spoken more, but the sound of his laughter was what cut me off. I've never heard him laugh. Maybe a chuckle or snort at a joke from his sister but an actual burst of laughter from the devil's advocate? It's rare. It's almost beautiful. Almost.
  • How? How does an incubus get to sound like that?
  • Come to think of it, how does a man with such a terrible personality get to look like that? Your attitude should match your looks; that's the way it goes. I'm not all that of a good person, so I believe my looks aren't all that beautiful. I'm not ugly. I think, but not beautiful either.
  • But Aiden—He's nasty. But he doesn't look nasty.
  • Aiden is causal. Plain white shirt and black pants. No design whatsoever, but he looks— and I'm cringing at the thought of this, but Aiden... I won't say it.
  • Aiden is a brunette, and those aren't my type. I've been with blondes, red and dark-haired men, but never a brunette. But Aiden. I can't even think of the words.
  • Now he laughs. Satan's spawn laughs. And it's a good sound.
  • Fuck.
  • "Your freckles are so much more prominent when you get all riled up." His laughs end with a few chuckles.
  • I frown. "He was laughing because of my freckles? Because he thinks I look more stupid with them."
  • I breathe out.
  • "I'm happy to remain the source of your constant amusement Aiden."
  • My words are vile, and I wish I could do more. I hate him. My freckles are one of my biggest insecurity.
  • I hate them as much as I hate Aiden. They make me seem different and not in a good way. I wonder why my father doesn't let me get them surgically removed. I don't care about the cost.
  • And now Aiden throws it to my face.
  • "I'm back, sorry I had to compose an email."
  • I face Penelope who walks in the room taking away anger at Aiden momentarily, it's still there, just added to the list of things he's done to make me hate him.
  • "So what would you both like to have?"
  • "Water is fine for me."
  • We answered together then snorted lowly—Together.
  • "Alright then. I'll be back."
  • **
  • "So Penelope, I'm excited to meet you in person since Quentin doesn't just shut up about his beautiful fiancée."
  • "Oh, you know Quentin?"
  • She blushes harder than before. The mere mention of the man has her panties in a tangle. I wonder when I'll love someone that much.
  • "Yes. Aiden and Quentin met on business like you and me."
  • I retract my hand and flip Aiden another finger. Lapdog my ass.
  • "On my God! I had no clue."
  • She gushes. "We did and when Penelope told me she was coming over, I had to tag along."
  • Aiden smirks and mouths "Screw it up."
  • "Oh Lay you wanted to come over? I haven't quite gotten the reason?"
  • Her brows knit in confusion. Well, I wanted to take charge.
  • "Uhm yes, I just wanted to see my friend. It's been a while, but Aiden couldn't stop talking about this information he had for you. I could've sworn he wanted to chirp in."
  • He mouths fuck you in response. Penelope switches her gaze from me to him then blinks her lids in anticipation.
  • "Yes, I wanted to ask what you had on my friend that has him looking at flowers. Could they be for wedding tables? Or he just has to surprise you?"
  • Her cheeks are on fire after his words.
  • "Oh..."
  • She sputters.
  • "It's extraordinary. He does not stop speaking about you. I need to attend the wedding and see you two up close because damn..."
  • I roll my eyes so fast they nearly fall out. He is good.
  • That story and switch were perfect.
  • "I'm sorry I have to take this call, I'll be back."
  • Pen retreats to the lobby and Aiden are smirking. Happy with the lie he told to get us on track.
  • "Nice story there. Could've fooled me. Who knew Aiden Smith could polish such a believable lie."
  • I grab my cup and head to the kitchen, toss it into the dishwasher then return it to the fridge.
  • But then, I turn and get blocked by him.
  • "What did you call me?"
  • He grunts.
  • "You called me a liar love?"
  • His eyes are hot with fury. But it's not directed to me, but at what I said.
  • "I do not like being called a liar."
  • "Did I strike an Aiden Smith nerve?"
  • I retort acting like I wasn't affected by our proximity.
  • "Don't."
  • He hisses.
  • Gulping, I try to get out, but his left hand is quicker and blocks that corner.
  • "I will be very clear on one thing Layla."
  • He drawls, going by my first name which is shiver worthy.
  • "Lying is for wimps. Cowards. People who can't own up to the choices they've made or are about to. People who feel they need to earn others' validation. People who think others should have a say in the things they do. Weak people. I'm none of those, so I do not tell lies, Layla. I'm a man of many things, just not a liar."
  • The aura switches so fast that I might faint. Every comeback is in my throat, but I don't speak. His head is so close.
  • "Hello, Quentin."
  • A throaty sound escapes his lips. The front door shuts and I don't recall hearing it open.
  • His entire body turns and his back faces me. All I did was taunt him about lying. Did he get riled up over that? Why the fuck—
  • "I won."
  • He adds, this time low enough for my hearing only.
  • ****
  • Third chapter? Let me know what you think so far! Reviews?