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Chapter 8 - Just Another Day At Work

  • Note: The chapter continues with the torture session, including needles, shock and acid.
  • The POV thing
  • It wasn't long before each breast had six needles, they made a circle around the nipple and drops of blood oozed out, he had placed the needles deeper. Yes, it hurts, it stings and I want to rip it out, but I can't even close my hands, because the needles on my fingertips remind me of and scratch my palm, so it hurts me in two ways, because I feel the needles go in a bit more and the other end cuts my palm.
  • My breathing is more rapid and somewhat irregular, after all, I'm suffering a lot of information and I'm starting to be grateful for all the years I've suffered at the hands of the pack I live in; if it weren't for that, I'd certainly be begging for clemency.
  • I notice that Lord Hoff moves away a little, probably to appreciate what he's already done.
  • "Tough to break... Many would have begged off at the first needles." Lord Hoff speaks, his voice is a little strange, he sounds proud, but he also feels challenged... The second part is the one that worries me.
  • Then I see him approach again and take the larger needle, then he holds half a breast and I see him bring the needle close to the center of the nipple, I take a deep breath, trying to relax as much as possible, I know that the more tense I get, the more pain I'll feel.
  • He starts to pierce the skin and I clench my teeth together as hard as I can to prevent any whimpering from coming out. I can feel my jaw starting to ache, but I just breathe through my nose. The sensation is horrible, feeling the muscle being pierced and not only that, but the needle is bigger, it has a hole in the middle and blood starts to flow out the other end. As soon as it stops, it's as if it's right next to my lung, the inner tip touching my lung as I breathe. More tears flow, and it's the only reaction I can have without hurting myself more.
  • That man does the same thing as the other and I begin to wonder what my Lord intends by watching this scene, if he takes pleasure in seeing me being tortured like this and it hurts me more than the physical torture.
  • After all, what kind of person likes to see their mate in a situation like this? Is this his way of telling me that I'll always be a slave and nothing more? It's as if I didn't already know that, it's obvious that I don't expect to rule by his side... I'll never be good enough. If that's what he wants to show me, then there's no need.
  • Then I see this man connect little clips to the tips of the needles in the middle of my breasts, I already know what it is... They're electric shock clips and I just look away, seeing the wires connected to the device and this time I almost make a noise, but not from pain, I almost laugh...
  • How far is my Master going to let this happen? Apparently, there's no filter. The more pain inflicted the better, but honestly, I feel the corner of my lips lift briefly in a wry smile.
  • Whatever, it's not as if I'm not already used to being treated like this, but it's just strange, knowing that now the one doing it is my mate, someone the Gods have chosen to be with me.
  • But how many slaves are accepted by their mates? I just wonder if they all end up like me or if there's a cleaner, quicker end. So as soon as the first shock hits, I bite down hard on my tongue as I feel myself losing air, not that the needles have gone in more, but that my chest has expanded more and I feel my lungs being scratched a little more.
  • The taste of blood invades my mouth, but I swallow it back. If I choke, will it be considered a sound? Or is it just a normal reaction? I know I'm not going to die here, at least not yet... I think that in the end, when my Master rejects me, he intends to rip my head off, after all, he'll have played with his new toy enough.
  • I feel him attach more clips around my body, on my arms, legs and groin. I realize he's getting close to putting it in my mouth, but he pulls the clip away.
  • Then the shocks start to alternate between stronger and weaker, the only thing that happens is that I feel my lung being micro-perforated over and over again, the blood becomes more constant and I know it's starting to drip from my nose, breathing becomes more difficult, black spots start to appear in my vision and I'll probably end up fainting.
  • I think my keeping my mouth shut has irritated Lord Hoff even more because I hear him throw the trolley on the floor, and then move away. I take the opportunity to open my lips and see the blood dripping, but as soon as he comes back, I close them again.
  • Lord Hoff picks up the trolley from the floor and then puts a container with a white liquid in it, which looks like water, but I doubt it, there's something that looks like a syringe with a half-rounded tip.
  • He pulls out the liquid and then taps the excess and turns to me, I notice that it looks like a kind of pen on the end, there's a little ball on the end, he tilts it briefly as if he's going to write on my skin, then as soon as the tip touches my chest I feel like screaming.
  • I see my skin begin to be corroded, along with the muscle underneath, and that man begins to write his name on my chest, so I don't mind the pain of the needles in my hands, I just close them, feeling the needles pierce even more... For this pain to make me forget the pain in my chest, even the flow of blood in my mouth is pleasant, as it helps to stop me from screaming, since a large part of my airways are flooded and those black dots get even bigger and I just let my body lose its strength, while my vision goes completely out.
  • ************* End of torture session *********
  • I feel the pain all over my body, which means I'm still alive, the taste in my mouth is more metallic and bad, and the smell of alcohol and disinfectant is strong, which indicates that I'm in hospital, or at the very least being treated.
  • How long have I been out? I don't know, but part of me wishes I hadn't woken up, as always, even death didn't want me, even after what I've been through and this feeling of loneliness grows and simply encompasses me.
  • I will never be more than an object to be used and discarded, no matter by whom and the question that won't go away: When will the next torture session be? When will it be time for me to please others?
  • I smell the leaves wet with blood and the aura of my Master takes over, but now I don't care anymore, it doesn't matter if I please them or not, my end will be the same. I let out a long sigh and forced myself to open my eyes, feeling my Master's touch on my arm.
  • I blink several times, forcing my gaze to focus, and I see my Master's face, he seems relieved that I've woken up, and he smiles wryly, just lifting the corner of his lips.
  • Part of me wants to scream, to ask him how he managed to let them do that to me, but I know the answer, because he can, because he wants to, because that's the way it is, so I just keep my lips closed.
  • Seeing the ceiling and now able to feel things better, I'm in the room, in the bed where he taught me what pleasure is... The payment for this was expensive, but it's my life and it will be until the end, until Death comes for me.
  • His expression quickly changes from relief to surprise. It must be a reaction to my smile, or my blank stare, probably both.
  • "I'm glad you're awake." His voice is lower, softer.
  • How nice it is to hear that tone, but I hate myself for it... Before I was happy that he had shown me new and different ways of doing things... I just never thought that one day I would feel angry with myself... Angry that I'm still alive, so I just turn my face away, I don't want to look at his face anymore or see his expressions, it's not worth it.
  • "The doctors said it would take you a lot longer to wake up, even with another healing potion, as your body still had the remnants of the previous one, the new one didn't have as much effect."
  • My Master begins to explain, I think he's doing it more for himself than for me, a part of him must feel guilty... Well, that must be his wolf's feelings, but what happened, only happened because he let it, so you can't go back in time.
  • Angry that I'm still alive, so I just turn my face away, I don't want to look at his face anymore or see his expressions, it's not worth it. My Master is shocked, but when he tries to stop me, I'm already on my feet. I mustn't indulge in the luxury of resting, surely I have some work to do.