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Chapter 2 Mate?

  • "Mate?" He asked, his voice sounded like music to her ears.
  • Diane nodded expectantly, staring up at him like he is an angel. 'Yes' she nodded enthusiastically. 'This is me'
  • He was about to say something when in an instant a lady about the same age as her, Pulled him to herself, kissing him passionately. The smile on Diane's lips faded as quickly as it came and her heart dropped dead.
  • She swallowed hard trying to make sense of the situation. On the other hand, people around them at that moment concentrated, curious to know whatever was happening... Tbh, she was also curious as to whatever was going to happen next. After ending the kiss that seem like forever. Her supposed mate looked down at her, disdain, iciness and hostility deep in those eyes as they held hers. Her wolf cowered.. so did she.
  • He took stealthy steps closer to where she stood, very much dumbfounded. Irritation spiking his features. Diane's heart churned. It just hurt differently. Maybe she had expected too much. More than she should have. 'Never come find me again! Don't dare say to the world that you're my mate. I don't want you and I'm making it clear' his cold voice smoldered. 'My Luna shouldn't be you.. you are way below my standard!' he completed before retreating.
  • Diane's legs wobbled while she made endeavours to find her voice. Once she did, she asked a question which already has an obvious answer. "Are you rejecting me?"
  • Silence ensued and the duo exchanged heated glares. Diane felt like she was going to explode any moment from now.
  • The lady beside him giggled childishly, her eyes color changing for the briefest moment. "are you that slow? This is the longest he has said to strangers and that is because he is quite thoughtful of other people's feelings. Anyways, what he is trying to tell you in a sentence is; he wants nothing to do with you. Have a good life." She snarled, eyeing Diane scornfully.
  • She felt her soul and heart wrenched away from her body abruptly. She folded, her palms gripping her chest defensively. Her heart writhed in pain, tears clouded her vision. She whimpered, howling in pains. What in the world is happening? What kind of trick is the universe or the goddess playing with her again, hasn't she suffered enough?
  • Dread and fright gripped her as she hugged myself, looking around the room. Diane's eyes met with that of Levi and Renee, the duo who majorly finds pleasure in bullying her. It appears their eyes never left her the whole while. To them, this would be another perfect subject to bully her about. That fact alone made her want to cower into a deep room and never show her face again. There has never been a time she felt this humiliated. on a second thought she looked towards her adoptive parents again. They still had their eyes on her even though it appears discreet this time around.
  • Tears stung at the back of her eyes like a laser. There goes her only chance of freedom. This was the end for her. The repercussions her father had mentioned was going to befall her. There's no escape for that. Diane gulped, wobbling on her heels. She almost fell flat on her face. She guessed the excitement she felt while trying to meet her mate didn't make her realize quickly the scratch she sustained.
  • Finding a chair next to the food table to sit on, she threw her head to the back to keep the tears from falling.
  • 'I'm definitely cursed and freedom isn't in my fate' she lamented bitterly.
  • Small chatters erupted from the crowd and small claps followed. She dragged herself from her thoughts to focus on the centre of attraction. There stood two men, Alpha Asher, the recognizable Alpha of the Crescent pack and him. The blonde hair made it easier for Diane to recognize him... Her mate.. Alpha Asher introduced him as Xavier. The Alpha of the Stealth Pack. Diane was too numb to even react. There were already too many surprises in a day and every experience was so draining for her.
  • ... Once it was all over, Diane left for her home where she was welcomed by her 'family'. Each of them wore a sinister smile on their faces. It was as though, they already knew she was rejected.
  • 'Sit, Diane. I want to have a word with you...' her father mentioned, his voice calmer than usual.
  • Diane shakily helped herself to the chair, already getting an idea of what's coming next for her.
  • 'It's obvious you were unable to find your mate. Am I wrong?' Mr. Crooks asked rhetorically.
  • Diane shook her head, deeming it better to tell them she didn't find her mate than to say she was rejected. They'd make mockery of her again and it would only make her cry.
  • 'Good. So the condition doesn't change. I already made all preparation. You'll be sent to the Stealth Pack tomorrow, unfailingly. You're to serve as a maid in the Alpha's home...'
  • Diane's mind reeled, shutting out whatever words her adoptive father said next. Stealth pack. She'd be serving as a maid in the Stealth Pack. Not just that but to the Alpha.. her mate who had just cruelly rejected her.. who also made it clear he never wants to cross paths again. Diane's fear for what's to come intensified.
  • 'Father. I don't wish to serve in the Stealth pack. I'm afraid I'll lose the bond with y'all as a family.' Diane implored. 'Please, let me stay and serve as a maid to the Alpha Asher instead'.
  • 'You have no say in this situation, Diane. You should play by the rules. This family already did enough for you. Bringing a child up for ten years is no joke! It's time you pay us back for all the hard work now' Abigail shot back.
  • The tears came again, lurking in the corner of Diane's eyes, blurting her vision to an extent. She jerked to her feet, her chest heaving up in sheer anger, sadness and regret. 'You should have left me on the streets that day. You shouldn't have attempted to take me in when your plan the whole time was to exploit me. I should also have known better... I should have fled when you both offered to help me out of the blues.' She didn't wait for whatever unpleasant response she'd get for saying what she said! Instead, she ran into her tiny store room, locked the door behind and collapsed on the bed with a loud thud. Diane spent the next few minutes crying her eyes out till she made her choice. For three years now, she'd been saving the little money she earned from doing menial jobs here and there. She reached for her box, collected one of her trousers and emptied its pockets. She straightened out the money, counted it quietly. Her lips stretched into a smile when she realized the amount in it was enough for her to escape the pack and start over elsewhere. At least, till she gets a job to earn her keep.
  • Her wolf quietly growled, saddened with the idea that they'd have to leave behind Alpha Xavier. The mate who had rejected them. Diane curled up on her bed, intending to wait till midnight before making her escape...
  • ....
  • Diane woke up to the sounds of her alarm clock yet again. Taking a peep out the window, she realized it was late already, the perfect opportunity to make her escape. Dread, accompanied with fright, settled right in her bosom when she found out the money she left in her jean pockets were all gone.
  • 'Did you misplace something?' Abigail leaned on the door frame, staring at her disdainfully.
  • Diane stammered, handicapped for words..
  • Abigail waved her off. 'It's okay. I understand your predicament, honey. So, I'm going to advise you to stop searching. Your money is now in my possession.'
  • Diane gasped terrifically. 'It's mine mother. Please give it back. I spent three years saving the whole money'
  • Abigail walked into the room, arms crossed on her chest. 'I'm not stupid enough to give you the money so you can fulfil your plans of escaping. There's no way out of this. Accept to fate already.'
  • She sobbed. 'But Mother...'
  • 'If you try to escape again, I'll make sure you suffer severe repercussions..' she threatened then exited the room.
  • Today which was her birthday happens to be the worst day of her life yet.. it was a tragedy.
  • Diane slid down the wall till her ass landed on the cold ground. She's doomed!
  • ~~Stealth Pack~~
  • Alpha Xavier stared at his reflection in the mirror, a sly smile on his lips.
  • His blonde hair was weaved and packed in a bun with a hair band, he has the bluest eyes ever, full plump lips that always wear a mischievous smirk, a small cut ran above his eyebrow, sharpening his face.
  • 'You look rather excited today. Is there something I'm missing?' Ace, Alpha Xavier's only brother asked, his eyebrows quirked up in question.
  • 'There's nothing you're missing out on, dear brother. I'm excited we're going to be having a duel today. I can't wait to beat your little ass out there' He responded jokingly.
  • Ace was an exact opposite of his brother. With his grey eyes, dark wavy hair with short bangs that fall over one side of his forehead. He has a normal build, tanner skin to his brother's. Asides the physical difference, the only other difference between them was the tattoos that covered almost every part of Ace's arms. The striking different was quite understandable since the two were born of different mothers. Alpha Xavier was born to Luna Harriette, his father's human mate, while Ace was born to Luna Melanie, their father's werewolf mate. He was lucky enough to be blessed with two mates in his life time.
  • 'You're way older than me, you're also the Alpha. So it's expected you get the upper hand, brother'.
  • 'Ten Years older is not a big deal.'
  • Ace shrugged his shoulders. 'The duel isn't really necessary. I'm not fighting for the Alpha title. I really don't want it. So why do I have to fight a duel with my brother for it?!'.
  • Xavier straightened out, adjusting his shirt ,collar perfectly. 'You can't say the same for your mother. She desperately wants you to have the title because you're a full blooded wolf! She suggested the duel, wanting to test my capabilities as the Alpha. If I fail, the title automatically goes to you, brother...'
  • Through with dressing himself, Xavier left his room for his office and for the second time that day, gossips about the newly employed maid reached his ears, allowing his curiosity to heighten. He summoned one of the maids he had heard talking about it earlier.
  • 'Alpha. Is there anything I should help you with?' she requested, her head bowed politely.
  • 'Tell me, who is this new maid I hear you talking about?'
  • 'She was brought in today from the Crescent pack and she's to serve in the Alpha's mansion for the next ten years..'
  • Xavier's brows furrowed. 'We have enough maids in the mansion, already.'
  • 'In two days, one of the maids will be leaving. So the new will replace her'
  • He inclined his head. 'It's fine. You can leave.' he dismissed the maid..
  • Right after, the sound of the bell was heard. It was time for the duel.
  • .......
  • Sound of swords clashing against each other resounded on the ground as the two men fought like their lives depended on it.
  • Heavily Breathing, Xavier addressed his brother. 'You aren't bad yourself. I see your swordsmanship is close to perfect'
  • Ace grunted, not letting his guard down. 'It's a fight so I'm giving it my all'
  • Neither of the two men were ready to back down.
  • They had both drawn blood on each others body and have cuts here and there.
  • Just then, Xavier caught a whiff of a unique scent. It got stronger every passing minutes. It was a sweet flower Smell. Intoxicating and beckoning onto him at the same time.
  • He shook his head, trying to clear his mind off the scent, lest he lost to his younger brother. In a minute, the duel will be over. He needed to stay focused. Luckily for him, Xavier was able to find an opening. He attacked unapologetically. His sword blade piercing Ace's stomach. Ace dropped to his knees, his hands covering the spot he has just been stabbed.
  • 'I'm sorry, brother' Xavier whispered, dropping his blade to the floor.
  • The crowd cheered on and on. Thinking about the scent, Xavier left the scene in search of whoever the scent was emitting from. The familiarity of that scent was undying. Xavier swore he'd smelt it somewhere before. Then it struck. At the banquet in Crescent Pack. That was where and it was from her. He came to an abrupt stop, recognizing her amidst the crowd. Utterly displeased by her presence.
  • 'Follow me!' He snarled then left.
  • Why was she here? Did she stalk him because he rejected her?!.
  • He stopped in an enclosed area, which was quite far away from the place where people were still gathered. He spun around to face her.
  • 'What are you doing here?!'.