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Chapter 2

  • Bang!
  • The forceful pulling of a door was heard. Luna Dorathy emerged into this old tattered room and glance around at the whole place. It was still the same smelling and unkept place. The way all the clothes were kept could have made anyone known that the owner of this room was dirty, yet it turned out it was the room of her daughter Asya.
  • Asya was laying on the cold ground on this tattered room. With her blonde hair scattered all over the floor, she was so innocent that one could’ve mistaken her for an angel, yet to Luna Dorathy she was just her cursed daughter who brought nothing but chaos since her birth.
  • Luna Dorathy put a frown of her face as she glance at her tiny daughter disgustingly who wasn’t aware that her mother was standing before her.
  • “So this pathetic bitch is still sleeping by this time. The audacity for me. I’d told her the previous days to wake up as early as possible to prepare the meals and clean the whole place and yet here is the sleeping beauty. I need to teach her a lesson never to mess with me again…” having said that, Luna Dorathy walked back outside slamming the door quietly so it won’t awake the sleeping Asya.
  • Few minutes later, Luna Dorathy came back with a bucket of cold water. She went to the very spot where the innocent Asya was still sleeping and spilled the water all over her face.
  • Like electricity on top her, Asya quickly rose up. The water was so cold that she began to shiver. It took her a while before she realized it was her mother standing before her with the bucket of water that had poured her the water.
  • Splash! A resounding slap was placed across her face.
  • “You seems to still be in your fairyland right you cursed child. Why are you still sleeping till now huh?” Luna Dorathy screamed.
  • The slap made her to see stars that she staggered before holding herself. “But mother I thought Beta Rio said since it’s my birthday, I could rest for today..” Asya said while still wiping the water from her eyes. This was small of the maltreatment she normally received each day from her mother.
  • “You disgusting pig… your birthday my foot. You had better get ready, come out and make dinner for everyone or you’ll smell your riot. And need I remind you, you are nothing but a pathetic slave and cursed child who can’t bring nothing but bad luck. Hump! The sight of your gigantic face and thunder thighs disgusts me!”
  • With a bang on the door, Luna Dorathy walked out. When she got outside, Beta Rio rushed to her. “My lady, what happened. You seems to be angry?”
  • “Who else irritates me if not that cursed child, I went to her room and can you imagine, she’s still sleeping. How I wish I could strangle her to hell. Anyways, I’ll go to my room now. Talk some sense into her!” Before Beta Rio could utter any more words, Luna Dorathy walked away.
  • The treatment melted on Asya wasn’t right, at least she was not in charge of the fate the moon goddess placed her in. Yet, nobody in the pack could do anything but watch the Alpha’s daughter being maltreated.
  • Beta Rio walked to Asya’s room and bang on the door. “Hurry up and come out girl, don’t pester around!”
  • “Yes Beta Rio.” Was the response he received from her. When he was assured she would come out in time, Beta Rio walked away.
  • —-
  • When the room was peaceful once more. Asya bought out a mob from the back of the door in her room and began to mop the whole place. She needed to be fast before her mother would come back again and that would mean trouble for her.
  • When she was satisfied with the way her room was, she further proceed to pack her clothes scattered on the ground. Not like she was the dirty type, but since she had to work all day she wasn’t given any time to arrange her things or even take care of her body properly.
  • Despite being the daughter of the Alpha of this lack, she was being treated worse than ordinary girls who were not Alpha’s children.
  • The sun haven’t even risen and yet she was woken up. There was a smile on her face as she recalled that today was her eighteenth birthday.
  • In a normal child's life this would be a day that is celebrated; but, not for her. Today would be no different than yesterday or the day before.
  • She rolled off the makeshift mattress she set up in her room and went to wash her face in the sink.
  • She catch a glimpse of her face in the mirror and she saw that the bruises on her neck are fading.
  • The cut on her head had already healed. For a moment she allow herself to have a small pity party.
  • Although she did not believe that she was horrible looking, she was definitely not the beauty that her cousin sister is known to be. She is not as tall as other girls her age and although she was constantly called fat the truth is she is rather gaunt looking.
  • She look at her mousey blonde scattered long hair hating every strand of it. She look at her almond shaped green eyes and wish they were Blue like her cousin sister.
  • After washing up, she throw on a t-shirt and some old sweatpants. There is one luxury she allowed herself, and that is her morning run.
  • Creeping quietly down the back stairs of the pack house she can not wait to be in the woods. To feel the ground beneath her feet. To smell the sweet forest full of trees. Finally, she make it outside and her heart beats faster. She can feel her wolf aching to be free.
  • Luckily, she first shifted when she was fifteen, which is a very young age to shift. Most werewolves do not shift until they are sixteen.
  • It happened after she had endured another alcohol fueled rage from her father, who like her mother also maltreated her and deemed her as a cursed child.
  • That time he had not broken any bones that night but had ripped enough of her hair out that she was sure that she was going to be bald.
  • That night she felt her wolf awaken. She knew her wolf knew she was hurting, and she needed her comfort, and healing powers. Shifting was terrifying the first time. You feel every bone snap and adjust, you feel your fingers and toes elongate into claws.
  • Your jaw widens, and all your skin tingle as you sprout your fur for the very first time. Asya never told anyone that she shifted. She learned very young to keep anything that brought her any kind of joy or comfort a secret. After your first couple of shifts, it does not hurt anymore. In fact, it's almost enjoyable.
  • Asya could feel her wolf itching to be let out the closer she got to the edge of the woods. The Blackwood pack owned its territory in Southern Moons at the base of the Grey Mountains.
  • She love the smell of the mountain air. This morning it was crispy, with a slight cold wind. Soon enough there would be snow. As she reached the edge of the forest, she looked around to make sure she was alone, then stripped out of her clothes in order to shift.
  • Her wolf was ecstatic to be free and running. Her wolf was ecstatic to be tree and running through the woods.
  • Her keen sense of smell picked up the different scents. The pine trees with their sap, the mushrooms growing on the forest ground, the river that was up ahead, all of the wildlife running free through the trees. In a short time, they had made it to the river. She shifted back into her human form as she slid down the riverbed to dip her toes into the freezing water.
  • This was her favorite spot in the entire world.
  • She lay there quietly propped up on the riverbed, sinking my toes into the icy water just listening to the woods around me. She loved hearing the birds wake up and rustle their young ones. She hear a rustle in the bushes on the opposite riverbank and open her eyes to see a beautiful doe.
  • Her soft brown fur resembled the softest of velvet. She was majestic in her beauty, simply standing there alert but unafraid. Suddenly she started bounding deeper into the woods and she felt her heart ache that she could not go with her. Asya would give anything to be free.
  • There have been a few times in her life that she thought about running away. Running meant turning rogue though, and more often than not a wolf without a pack was seen as dangerous and killed on the spot. Rogues were thought to not be loyal to anything or anyone. They lived on their own terms refusing to submit to an Alpha. Packs seen this as unnatural and they felt that it was an unbalance in nature. To werewolves everything had a meanings and limits.
  • Asya knew it was time to go. She knew she needed to get back to the pack house before her mother and Beta Rio began to look after her again .
  • They would be expecting breakfast, and she would get beaten severely if they had to wait for it. She hated the station in her life, but Asya knew that she could not change it. She was the monster, she was the one that killed her twin brother.
  • “””””””””””
  • As Luna Dorathy got into into her room after her conversation with her Beta, she sat down on a couch then her eyes caught a pieces of paper on the floor. The paper was full of dust probably it had been old and look dirty. Dorathy took the paper and wondered what was written on the paper.
  • After cleaning the dusts away from the paper, she further read the content which states; BIRTH OF THE BLACKWOOD PACK’S TWIN, ASYA AND HER TWIN BROTHER, BUT THE OTHER TWIN DIED IMMEDIATELY AFTER ASYA’S BIRTH”
  • Tears rolled down Dorathy’s eyes after reading the contents and her mind flash back to the tragedy behind the death of her second child which was Asya’s twin brother. Had he been alive, he would have become the next Alpha in line and take over his father.
  • ::::::::::::::::::::
  • It was a full moon night the day her kids were born. She recalled how painful it was for her to give birth. The mid wife were running up and down the pack just so she could deliver safely while the Alpha along his Beta and some of the pack’s important men stood outside praying for a safe delivery.
  • Luna Dorathy recalled that after her marriage with Alpha Caleb, she was unable to get pregnant. At first, it did not disturb her that much with the hope that she will conceive and moreover she just got married. But after three years and she still did not got pregnant, it began to worry her.
  • She and the Alpha had to seek different solutions and contacted different priests concerning her inability to conceive but all they were told was that she will conceive at the right time.
  • She was so worried that she often fell sick and always woke up with a swollen face after crying but the Alpha was there as her support and told her that she should not worry too much, if it was the moon goddess way for them to be childless, then so be it.
  • They had already given all hopes when she became pregnant and their joy know no boundary. Luna Dorathy made sure no harm came to her babies and always ensured not to carry out any stressful work that could harm her pregnancy. Fortunately the moon goddess was merciful and nothing happened to her pregnancy until she gave birth.
  • Asya was first born followed by her brother but he passed away even before they could bath him. Since Luna Dorathy was unconscious after delivery, she was not aware that her other child had died. Asya was immediately bath and kept clean while as the Alpha was told of his son’s death, they had to borrow him.
  • When Luna Dorathy finally woke up, she was surprised to see only one baby. She was certain that she gave birth to two babies, and how could there only be one.
  • Alpha Caleb told her about the death of their second child and broke news to her that it was the mystery surrounding Asya’s birth that killer her brother. It was from that moment that she had hated Asya.
  • Having the Luna give birth to twins was a big deal to the pack. Everyone was excited. But the death of the second twin made every one sad. Every one began to blame Asya for the death and rain caused on her.
  • The opening of the door made Luna Dorathy to regain her consciousness and dropped the paper away. She quick wiped her tears as she glanced at who just came in. It was Alpha Caleb.
  • Alpha Caleb was alarmed to see his Luna crying, he rushed to her. “My lady, what is it. Why are you crying?” He inquired.
  • Luna Dorathy pointed at the paper which Alpha Caleb took and glance at it. After going through the content, tears also came out from his eyes.
  • “If that curse child continue to live with us, more damages and chaos will befall us.. we must do something about her.” Luna Dorathy said.
  • “Do something like what?” Alpha Caleb threw curiously.
  • “i don't want her around anymore. Maybe we should send her away or something. Or what do you think?" Luna Dorathy threw.
  • “Anything you say my lady. But....." Alpha Caleb was interrupted when there was a knock on the door which made both couples to stare at the door almost the same time.
  • “Come in." Alpha Caleb said as the door was opened and Joshua came in. Joshua was among the warriors in the pack and was also responsible for handling the finances of the pack. He held more importance than any other warrior in the pack.
  • “Good day Alpha. Good day my lady." Joshua said.
  • Alpha Caleb nodded, ,"Hmmm Joshua how are you doing and what brought you here!"
  • “Fine Alpha. I don't know how to break this news to you, but there's a bad news Alpha..”
  • Both the Alpha and Luna flickered. There were frown on their faces. “Speak. What bad news?"
  • “Actually the finances of the pack is falling apart and before long we might all be starving. The cattles have began to die with each passing day and the food is almost finished, it inadequate to feed the pack any more. We need to do something before things get out of hand.." Joshua said bowing his head.
  • Both the Alpha and Luna allowed Joshua's words to sink into them before Alpha Caleb turned back to him.
  • “I've heard all you said. You may leave, I'll get back to you." Alpha Caleb said.
  • Nodding his head Joshua replied, "Yes Alpha."
  • After that, he walked out.
  • “I said it. This is all that cursed child's fault. We need to send her away as soon as possible. Asya mustn't continue to stay in this pack. We will continue to face hardships if she stays any longer in this pack. We must do something about it." Luna Dorathy said.
  • “Yeah... Since it seems the moon goddess had made her to bring nothing but bad luck, we will definitely have to send her away." Alpha Caleb concluded. “But what do we do to send her away?"
  • Am evil smile appear on Luna Dorathy's face as she said, “Don’t worry I have an idea…”