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Chapter 3

  • ‘Good morning Chief’ Tarasha greeted on phone.
  • ‘Good morning Tarasha’ a harsh voice responded.
  • ‘Chief, have you gotten the stuff you asked me to get? I dropped it in the car parked in front of your office according to our plan’
  • ‘Yes, I’ve seen it’ the voice answered ‘You’ve seen it? But why haven’t you called me then? You didn’t keep your part of the deal’
  • ‘What deal?’
  • ‘What do you mean Chief? Didn’t you say that I would get the bank alert for my balance two hours after you get the carton?’
  • ‘Yes I said that, but you broke the agreement first’
  • ‘What? How?’
  • ‘You said you would do the job without killing anybody’
  • ‘Yes, I didn’t drop anyone’
  • ‘But it was all over the news yesterday, all the labourers at the warehouse were found dead yesterday’
  • ‘That wasn’t me, that happened in the afternoon. I carried out the job around 3am’
  • ‘How am I supposed to believe that you really did the job by 3am?’
  • ‘What the hell are you talking about Chief?’
  • Tarasha flared up. ‘I see you don’t want to keep to your part of the deal?’
  • ‘I will send you the balance once I’m sure that it wasn’t you that carried out the killings’ the call ended.
  • Tarasha was fuming with anger as she dropped the phone, it wasn’t as if the balance meant so much to her but she was angry at the obvious fact that the Chief only wanted to cheat her and she wouldn’t take that from anyone. She checked her wall clock and pondered for a while before shr picked up a pistol and a mask from her bedside and stormed out of the house.
  • She tapped a button on the remote control and the door to the driver’s seat of her Zently 2027 model opened. She slid into the car and the door closed back automatically, she inserted two bullets into the revolver and hid it safely under the car seat after which she started the car engine and drove towards the gate which opened automatically and closed after she was out of the compound.
  • She drove as fast as possible, hissing every time she had to stop because of traffic signals and other road users. After almost an hour drive, she got to Gravl Avenue, she parked at a very far distance to the Chief’s house.
  • She gave a wicked smile as she glanced at her wristwatch. In few minutes, the driver and the bodyguard that accompanied the Chief youngest daughter to school would be returning. She took the revolver from where she hid it and kept it in her purse, reason that she wasn’t properly dressed; the clothes she wore would show signs of the gun if pocketed.
  • She got out of the car , carefully making sure no passerby was watching or noticing her and she walked a distance closer to the Chief’s house.
  • With her dark goggles on, she stayed by the side of the road and placed one hand on her waist, acting like one who was waiting for a cab. After two minutes, she sighted the driver and bodyguard from afar, returning in the car.
  • As they came closer, she started to walk through the road pretending not to see the coming car. She got the driver confused as he struggled to bring the car to a halt but not after he had gotten so close, almost hitting her.
  • ‘What’s wrong with you ma’am? Didn’t you see a car was coming?’ The driver shouted angrily at her.
  • ‘I’m sorry’ she pleaded, holding her chest like someone who was deeply horrified. She turned to the driver’s side to apologize.
  • ‘You should be careful next time’ the driver continued, more calmly now.
  • ‘I’m sorry’ she said, gasping for breath and coughing as sweat drop from her face in the hot sun. ‘I think I’ve lost my way, I was going to Eden hair salon at Gravl Avenue’
  • ‘You’re at Gravl avenue already, just walk a little bit further and you’ll find it by your left side’
  • ‘Please can you give me a lift there?’ She pleaded.
  • ‘Okay yes’ the driver replied, looking at the bodyguard by his side who shrugged in confirmation. ‘Enter the back seat’
  • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  • +++++
  • Inspector James sat on a chair facing a man on the hospital bed, the only survivor of the warehouse attack. The man was conscious and was talking already, narrating all he knew about the attack.
  • ‘So you don’t know any of those who attacked you people?’ James interrogated ‘Yes, I’ve never seen any of them before’ the injured man replied, he had a bandage tied round his forehead and one round his belly.
  • ‘And they were not thieves?’
  • ‘Yes, they were not thieves. I believe they were looking for something, they said a carton was missing among the goods they collected last night’
  • ‘Last night? Which goods?’
  • ‘I overheard them saying something about 3am’
  • ‘3am? Do you people work overnight?’
  • ‘Sometimes, we fill up some cartons and arrange them overnight but I’m not aware that something like that was supposed to happen last night’
  • ‘Who was supposed to be on duty last night’
  • ‘Ermm… No one, except the security men’
  • ‘But the security men have been killed already,
  • who else was on duty?’
  • ‘No the two security men that was killed yesterday were not the ones on shift that night’
  • ‘Oh! I see, do you know how we can reach them?’
  • ‘No, I have no relationship with them, we only greet when resuming and vacating the office’
  • ‘I think its enough already’ the Doctor interrupted as he walked in. ‘He needs rest’
  • ‘It’s okay’ James replied the Doctor and stood up, he turned back to the injured man.
  • ‘We’re really sorry for what has happened and we promise to get to the root of this as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation, we’ll contact you as soon as we need your help again, I wish you a quick recovery’ he said and walked out of the ward with the other officer.
  • ‘But what do you think that hoodlums would want in a beverage warehouse?’ James asked his colleague as they proceeded out of the hospital to their car.
  • ‘I don’t know, I think the best people to give us the answer would be the security men on duty that night’ he answered.
  • ‘Okay, what you would do now is to go back to the warehouse and check their logs, we need to get those men’ James instructed. ‘I believe they know about the incident’
  • ‘Ok, I’ll just go straightaway sir’
  • ‘Good, we also have to be on the lookout for the manager Mr. Felix, there are still no signs of him everywhere’
  • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  • ++++++