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Chapter 5 A Life-saving Favor

  • In reality, Qin Fei was well aware of Zhou Kai's intentions, like a clear mirror. He knew Zhou Kai wanted to take credit for himself.
  • However, given his current circumstances, Qin Fei had to maintain a low profile. So, he decided to feign ignorance and act clueless. It was unfortunate that he wasted his 1.5 million yuan reward. Sigh!
  • "I... I don't want to go to jail," Qin Fei said, pretending to be scared.
  • "You don't have to go to jail. As long as you cooperate with me, no matter who asks, just say that I killed these three kidnappers. Don't worry about the rest," Zhou Kai said.
  • "Okay, as long as I don't go to jail."
  • "You're sensible!"
  • Zhou Kai snorted, pulled out his gun, shot the three kidnappers a few times, and then took out his walkie-talkie. "Ruo Xi, I apprehended the kidnappers!"
  • Down the mountain, police lights were flashing, piercing the desolate outskirts.
  • Yang Ruo Xi sat in the police car, frowning and feeling uneasy.
  • If they didn't capture the killer this time and also endangered Zhao Mu Xin and Qin Fei, she might have to switch to a desk job.
  • But with so many forks in the mountain, and no clues left by the killer, they could only conduct a thorough search of the entire mountain with their team scattered.
  • Just when Yang Ruo Xi was worried, she heard Vice Captain Zhou Kai's voice on the walkie-talkie.
  • "Ruo Xi, I apprehended the kidnappers!"
  • "Zhou Kai, repeat that!" Yang Ruo Xi's spirits lifted.
  • "I apprehended the kidnappers, three in total, all deceased. Uh... two hostages are safe."
  • Great!
  • Yang Ruo Xi let out a sigh of relief and immediately said, "I'll send reinforcements up to support you."
  • Twenty minutes later, a group of police officers, as if facing a formidable enemy, descended with the three corpses of the kidnappers.
  • Qin Fei was naturally ignored once again. He was just a fool. If he hadn't aided the kidnappers in their escape, things wouldn't have become so troublesome.
  • Fortunately, Vice Captain Zhou Kai was wise and courageous, eliminating all three kidnappers. Otherwise, the entire criminal investigation team would have faced consequences.
  • Qin Fei didn't care about what others thought of him. He didn't mind.
  • He had once stood at a height that many people could only admire in their lifetime.
  • On the way, Yang Ruo Xi paid no attention to Qin Fei. She focused on driving and didn't speak to him until they returned to the villa. Yang Ruo Xi changed into slippers and walked towards her father, Yang Guo Ming, who was watching TV on the sofa.
  • "Dad, I want to divorce Qin Fei!"
  • Qin Fei, who was changing shoes at the door, was stunned. Weren't they inseparable when he went to the police station to find her? How come this girl agreed to a divorce after a few hours?
  • However, now Qin Fei no longer desired a divorce.
  • It wasn't because Yang Ruoxi was stunningly beautiful, but mainly because as he grew more familiar with this body and its owner, he discovered many deep secrets hidden within.
  • Although the previous Qin Yifei was a "fool" with an IQ of only ten or so, he had grown up with Yang Ruoxi and gradually developed feelings for this cold and enchanting wife.
  • However, Qin Yifei didn't dare to confess his feelings, afraid that Yang Ruoxi would be disgusted. So he locked himself in the study, drawing Yang Ruoxi's face every day for ten years.
  • Even on the day he was drunk and killed in a car accident, Qin Yifei's last words were still "Ruoxi... my wife..."
  • Now, Qin Fei felt that he and Qin Yifei had become one. He was him, and he was him.
  • Therefore, he not only had to live as a man but also had to win over this cold and aloof wife, fulfilling Qin Yifei's wish.
  • After changing into slippers, Qin Fei walked towards another sofa, preparing to sit down and apologize to Yang Ruoxi, hoping she wouldn't divorce him.
  • He had already thought of a reason - that he had been hit by a car and his mind was not clear.
  • However, Yang Guoming glanced at Qin Fei and said gently, "Xiaofei, go upstairs and take a shower. You've had a tiring day."
  • "Oh, Dad!" Qin Fei awkwardly called out, then walked towards the stairs. After opening the door, he stood behind it, ready to listen to his father-in-law's attitude towards the divorce.
  • Yang Guoming put down the newspaper, glanced at his daughter, and asked, "Ruoxi, did you have a fight with Xiaofei again?"
  • "A fight? How could I dare? He came to the police station this afternoon to divorce me! While I was handling a case, he kept interfering and even helped the kidnappers escape in a car. With such an impressive husband, I can't measure up!" Yang Ruoxi had been holding back all afternoon, and now that she was back home, all her grievances burst out.
  • Yang Ruoxi's mother, Li Meifang, also frowned and said, "Old Yang, I support our daughter's divorce. Your relationship with Qin Yifei's father is a matter of the past generation. You can't sacrifice our daughter's happiness for that. Look at him, he's already in his twenties, has he earned a penny? Can he even speak a complete sentence? Has he contributed anything to this family?"
  • "Don't say anymore. Unless I die, I won't agree to your divorce with Xiaofei," Yang Guoming said firmly. He was also a deputy director in the public security system, so when he became serious, he had a lot of authority.
  • "Lao Yang, he's just an idiot. Let's not talk about supporting the family for now. I'm afraid he doesn't even understand the concept of carrying on the family line. When can we have grandchildren?" Li Meifang looked displeased as she spoke to her husband.
  • "Idiot?" Yang Guoming snorted coldly, clearly getting angry.
  • "Xiaofei's father not only saved my life, but Xiaofei also saved Ruoxi's life."
  • "At that time, Ruoxi was only four years old, playing on the ice in the park. If Xiaofei hadn't jumped in, Ruoxi would have been gone a long time ago."
  • "After that, Xiaofei had a high fever for a week straight, and when he woke up, he became like this. Tell me, wasn't Xiaofei intelligent before?"
  • Yang Guoming's series of questions left Li Meifang in silence.
  • Because everything her husband said was true.
  • Qin Yifei used to be very likable when he was young, but he became foolish after falling into the ice cave.
  • Li Meifang was away on a business trip that year, so she wasn't fully aware of what had happened. She believed it was just two children playing and falling together.
  • Yang Ruoxi also fell silent. She was young at the time and only vaguely remembered struggling in the cold lake water, but it was a pair of determined little hands that pulled her out. Surprisingly, those hands belonged to her current "foolish husband."
  • In that moment, Yang Ruoxi felt a wave of anger dissipate from her heart.
  • Oh well, no matter how foolish Qin Yifei is, he is still her husband.
  • Even if they don't have love right now, taking care of him for a lifetime is... acceptable.
  • Yang Ruoxi didn't say anything more and joined her parents for dinner. Afterwards, she went upstairs to call Qin Fei down for dinner.
  • However, as soon as Yang Ruoxi pushed open the door, she felt a surge of anger rush to her head, almost forcing out a sentence through gritted teeth.
  • "Qin Yifei, are you trying to get yourself killed?"
  • After Qin Fei went upstairs, he stood behind the door and eavesdropped for a while. He realized that Yang Guoming was actually quite kind to the old Qin Yifei, always protecting him.
  • He observed carefully for a while and noticed that Yang Guoming seemed to be hiding some illness.
  • But he didn't even have a heater at the moment, so even if he noticed, there was nothing he could do.
  • Later on, Yang Ruoxi seemed to stop bringing up divorce, which put Qin Fei more at ease.
  • Since I am now Qin Yifei, then Yang Ruoxi is my wife. She is quite beautiful and has a strong sense of justice. I should cherish her.
  • However, after taking a hot shower, Qin Fei felt extremely exhausted and fell asleep on the bed without even putting on clothes.
  • The physical exertion today was immense for his weak body.
  • If it weren't for the sound of Yang Ruoxi's angry voice coming from the door, Qin Fei would probably sleep until tomorrow morning.
  • "Qin Yifei, come down here!"
  • Yang Ruoxi covered her eyes, feeling embarrassed and lowered her head. She was also afraid that her parents downstairs would hear, so she closed the door first and lowered her voice.
  • "What's the matter?" Qin Fei opened his eyes and saw Yang Ruoxi's flushed face. Her anger made her curves even more prominent.
  • The sight of her snow-white cleavage made Qin Fei feel like his nose was about to bleed.
  • "You... you pervert! Why aren't you wearing clothes after taking a shower?"
  • Yang Ruoxi wasn't as angry as before, but when she saw Qin Fei sleeping naked on her bed, with her new silk underwear as his pillow, she felt even more frustrated.