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Chapter 5 Embers Of The Heart

  • Upon entering Miguel's room, Marissa discovered him perched on the bed's edge, with his eyes locked on the wall with a mysterious expression that concealed his feelings. "Good morning, Father," she offered in greeting, receiving only a brief, sidelong glance from him before his attention returned to the wall.
  • Undeterred by his lack of response, she took a deliberate seat, reaching out to hold his hands resting on his thigh. "I understand you don't want to talk to me, Father. I am so sorry for the way I have been behaving. I promise you from now I will change. Please believe me when I say I am truly sorry."
  • He squeezed her hand, a loving smile spread across his lips. "I know you will never lie to me. I am offering you a second chance - just bring back my old happy Marissa."
  • Juan strided in with a lopsided smile. "Don't fret, Father, you can trust Marissa."
  • "Son..." Miguel's face registered shock. "Son... I know, and I believe in both of you. All my children are my pride," he spoke with sincere passion.
  • Marissa enveloped Miguel in a tight hug, her gaze locking onto Juan. In response, Juan flashed her a thumbs-up, grinning.
  • * * *
  • "I really hope Juan can persuade Mr. Valiente to join us for the meal," Daniella remarked, drumming her fingers on the table.
  • Ignacio, leaning on his chair, sighed, "Can't we just start eating? I'm starving."
  • Carlos quipped, "Hasn't the alcohol filled you up enough?"
  • Rosario, with a worried expression, intervened, scolding them both. "Can you two be reasonable? We're about to eat. Save your arguments for later."
  • "We're here!" Miguel's voice echoed, catching their attention as they turned towards the stairs. There stood Miguel, Marissa, and Juan, announcing their arrival.
  • Rosario's face beamed with joy as she rushed forward, planting motherly kisses on Marissa's face, tears shimmering in her eyes.
  • Daniella gave Juan a tight hug, a smile spreading across her face. He returned the hug and kissed her on the lips.
  • Marissa offered a heartfelt apology as she hug Rosario. "I'm truly sorry, Mother. From today onwards, I promise I'll never make you cry again," she said, her eyes shut, holding back tears.
  • "Enough with the family emotional drama; my stomach craves some attention," Carlos interjected, playfully patting Marissa's shoulder. She replied with a teasing elbow, prompting laughter from everyone, including Ignacio.
  • As they all took their seats at the table, Miguel gazed over the smiling faces. "I am so happy."
  • * * *
  • As Marissa fed a white foal in the stable, absorbed in the moment, when an unexpected sting of pain shot through her back neck.
  • "Ouch!" she squealed, turning around to find a smiling Juan. "You scared me," she exclaimed.
  • "Really?" he teased.
  • "Yes, Juan," she replied, moving closer to him.
  • Taking hold of her hands, Juan met her gaze, and her eyes widened slightly in surprise.
  • He offered a tentative smile, "I'm here to thank you for what you did."
  • She withdrew a bit. "You don't have to thank me. I just did what needed to be done."
  • Juan's eyes narrowed in response to her behavior, clearly taken aback. However, he chose to ignore it and continued speaking. "Everyone is so happy today. I'm pleased to see the smiles on everyone's faces."
  • "Me too," she replied, a small smile on her face.
  • "Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand taller." Juan quoted.
  • Marissa toyed with her nails. "Where is your lady? When are you going to propose to her?"
  • "Speaking of her, I wanted to ask you for a favor."
  • "Tell me," she replied, attempting to maintain her calm as she twisted her fingers.
  • "I want to propose to Daniella today. Will you help?"
  • She gulped down a sob, trying to maintain her composure. Her heart felt like it shattered into tiny, fractal pieces.
  • "Why do you want me to help you?" As their eyes met, her voice trembled slightly.
  • "I trust you, and..."
  • "Sure, I will help you. Just so you know, Daniella will be in the Mansion you want me to decorate, or should I say have it decorated," she explained.
  • "I have the supplies needed for the decorations and people to help you... Daniella, I know she is friendly with Carlos; he is going to take her for a tour," he reassured, outlining the plan for the surprise proposal.
  • * * *
  • Daniella and Carlos stood in front of the mansion, enveloped in the aroma of scented candles. Daniella peered around, surprised to find the place decorated simply with candles and rose petals strewn across the floor at the entrance.
  • "Who is having a party?" Daniella asked, her face aglow with curiosity.
  • "Juan is over there; go and ask him," Carlos pointed to Juan, engaged in conversation with a maid.
  • Daniella walked up to Juan. The maid walked away. Juan pecked Daniella on the cheek.
  • "Juan... My love... why did you decorate the mansion, the front entrance with rose petals and all around the living room are candles?"
  • "We are having a family party."
  • "That's great I will go and get fixed up then," her whole face lit up, and she led the way upstairs.
  • Carlos engaged in a conversation with Danna when Juan came up to him, "thank you, brother."
  • "Don't mention it, Big brother," Carlos replied.
  • Juan's beaming gaze shifted to Danna, "Go and get dressed too."
  • "Sure," Danna replied with a bright smile, feeling a surge of happiness that Juan included her in his engagement party.
  • Marissa, observing the scene from upstairs, scowled in frustration. "Why don't you notice me?"
  • Juan lifted his head, catching Marissa's eye, and sent her a heartwarming smile. Despite the gesture, Marissa chose to walk away.
  • * * *
  • In the living room, everyone wore simple yet stylish outfits, radiating an air of elegance. Miguel and Rosario swayed gracefully, their bodies moving in sync with the soft music, a reflection to their enduring love. Danna and Carlos engaged in animated conversation on the sofa, finding comfort and peace in the company of each other.
  • Daniella descended the stairs in a white sleeveless short dress, her eyes seeking approval from Juan. "How do I look, my love?"
  • He took a moment, letting his gaze traverse her figure. "Ummm... You look so." He swallowed deeply. "As beautiful as always."
  • She leaned in, brushing her lips against his, a smile playing on her face. "Thanks, my love," she whispered.
  • Juan gestured for attention with a clap of his palms. "I expect everyone is here?"
  • Rosario glanced around, noting, "Marissa isn't here."
  • "I am here, Mother."
  • The soft melody in the background subtly changed. All eyes turned upstairs as Marissa descended the central path, her expression composed, with minimal makeup enhancing her features. She wore a long-sleeve red shirt paired with a skirt boasting a high slit.
  • Rosario walked over to her and started kissing her all over her face. "You look so beautiful, Princesa."
  • "Thank you," Marissa replied, her gaze shifting to Juan. Their eyes locked in a moment.
  • As Marissa made her final descent, a servant handed her a glass of red wine.
  • Miguel glanced at Carlos as a servant extended a wine glass to him. "Come on, Father, I'm twenty."
  • Laughter echoed in the room as everyone shared in the light-hearted moment.
  • "Okay, everyone, your attention please. I have something to do today," Juan sighed. "I was waiting for the perfect time, but then I realized there is nothing like the perfect time."
  • "You are so right, big brother," Ignacio agreed, raising his glass.
  • "Daniella..." Juan said, holding her hand. Daniella stared at him with a suspicious look. "You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end."
  • Daniella's heart raced as she stared at him, her breath catching in her throat. She gasped, attempting to stay composed, and clenched her hands.
  • Marissa forced a smile as she sipped her wine, masking her emotions beneath a calm exterior.
  • Juan knelt on the floor, revealing a sleek black box. Out popped a dazzling diamond ring, sparkling like a promise. "Will you let me be the one?"
  • Overcome with emotion, Daniella covered her mouth, sniffling as tears of joy shimmered in her eyes.
  • Juan met her gaze, captivated by the sparkle in her eyes. She nodded, extending her left hand towards him. With a gentle slide, he placed the ring on her fourth finger.
  • Standing up, Juan lifted her in his arms, and they shared a delighted chuckle before sealing the moment with sweet kisses.
  • Marissa's glass slipped from her fingers, shattering as it hit the floor, wine pooling around the shards. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she watched the scene unfold before her. "They're too wrapped up in their own world to even notice a glass breaking," she murmured.
  • With emotions swirling inside her, Marissa quietly made her way up the stairs, not bothering to look back, seeking escape from the celebrations.
  • "Good one, brother. We're all learning here," Carlos said as he enveloped Danna in a comforting hug amidst the lively atmosphere filled with laughter and congratulations for the newly engaged couple.
  • Rosario surveyed the room, her eyes searching. "Where is Marissa now?"
  • "I reckon she's probably as bored as I am," Ignacio remarked, strolling away towards the exit.
  • Daniella's brows were drawn together in a furrow, her lips pressed into a thin line. The sparkle in her eyes had dimmed, catching Juan's attention. He hugged her close. "Don't worry about them. In fact, Marissa helped me decorate the mansion."
  • Daniella's face broke into a sincere smile as she took comfort from Juan's remarks.
  • * * *
  • Y
  • awning, Juan strolled lazily, holding a glass of water, moving towards the stairs. He noticed through the window a shadow moving towards the direction of the stables.
  • Setting the glass down on a nearby cupboard, he hastened after the shadow. Opening the stable door, he discovered Marissa, illuminated by the soft glow of the stable lights, tenderly brushing a white foal.
  • Marissa turned, her face initially clouded with fear, only to transform into a smile upon seeing Juan. "What are you doing here, big brother?"
  • Scratching his jaw, he admitted, "I followed you. I thought you were..."
  • "A thief," she interjected.
  • "What are you doing here? this hour? Past midnight?"
  • "I felt suffocated inside, needed some fresh air to calm myself down. I thought about this cute fellow... My Juan."
  • His eyes narrowed, and he raised his right eyebrow. "Juan?"
  • "I named it Juan, my Juan," she explained, a playful glint in her eyes.
  • Juan chuckled, his apprehension easing. "Okay..." he replied, finding amusement in Marissa's choice of naming the foal.
  • Marissa walked towards Juan, taking his hand and placing it over her heart. "Can you give Juan to me the way you gave your heart to Daniella?"
  • "Okay, it's yours, but let's sleep," he suggested, turning away.
  • Marissa unwilling to let go, held his hand, surprising him as she moved closer, his eyes widening as she looked at him. Their faces were inches apart. "I can't deny myself," she stated, caressing her lips onto his.