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Chapter 14 Cash Is King

  • Fang Meixia sat on the floor in a daze with her mouth filled with blood after receiving a vicious slap from Qin Ming's personal secretary inside the office. The woman did not dare to make a sound as her gaze landed on Dai Gao that was kneeling on the floor without any dignity. That man was already covered in cold sweat.
  • The female manager, Li slumped to the floor as well. She could no longer stand with her wobbly legs.
  • The big boss that Dai Gao respected in his entire life was currently operating a computer to boost up the share price of Century Resources Group after receiving an absolute order. Hou Qing was making multiple phone calls, one after the other to move around cash and contacted his acquaintances for assistance.
  • The revelation of Qin Ming's identity slowly etched into Fang Meixia's mind. That person that I mocked was actually living a life that I coveted for such a long time.
  • This is the first time that I've seen someone so rich that kept such low profile. He's being so modest that the outfit on him doesn't even add up to 100.
  • Fang Meixia felt like her societal perception had failed her. Is he trying to mess around with me?
  • Qin Ming sipped on a cup of coffee and looked towards Fang Meixia's direction. He asked. “Mr. Dai, do you think that it's appropriate to bring along your wife to work?”
  • An idea popped into Dai Gao's mind. He was able to become the chairperson of Tian Cheng Securities, partly due to his observation skill on others' body language. This young master is a kind person. He's not someone that'll push anyone over the edge. Otherwise, he wouldn't be asking me questions like this.
  • Dai Gao lowered his head and answered carefully. “Young master, Fang Meixia is not my wife. She... She's just my girlfriend. I'll certainly break up with her, now that she's angered you. I am terribly sorry for my mistakes. Please do not blame Chairman Hou because he was oblivious towards the entire situation. I shall be the sole person to bear the responsibility for this error and accept the punishments that I deserved.”
  • This Dai Gao is a sensible person. He's trying to save Hou Qing's ass, just so that Hou Qing will be able to help him regain his position in the future.
  • Fang Meixia knew that Dai Gao had abandoned her in order to secure himself by taking the blame from Hou Qing. I'm done for.
  • Fang Meixia thought about her wealth and luxurious life that had disappeared like a popped bubble, all because of a simple blunder that she made to offend the young man that appeared insignificant to her. The woman felt her world crumbling in that instance. She rushed towards Qin Ming as insanity took control of her.
  • Fang Meixia shrieked like a crazy person. “You damn loser. It's all your fault for appearing in front of us, you bastard. Dai Gao would not have abandoned me, and all my wealth would still be present, if not for your stupid appearance! My villa, BMW and carefree life are all behind me now. I'm going to kill you!”
  • Song Ying had already placed herself between Qin Ming and the crazy lady. She planted a kick on Fang Meixia as the woman rolled backwards onto the floor.
  • Qin Ming ignored Fang Meixia altogether. A gold digger like that woman did not even deserve to be his servant in his opinion.
  • Hou Qing wiped away the sweat on his forehead and said nervously. “Young master, Century Resources Group's share price is rising and will reach limit up by the end of the day. We have invested 10 million into this share as well, but please be rest assured that I would be able to earn this amount back with proper monitoring and management. May I know if young master wanted this share to stay on the rise for how many days?”
  • Qin Ming placed Nie Haitang's bank account number onto the table and shook his head. “One day will be more than enough. Also, bank in 1 million into this account.”
  • Hou Qing nodded and quickly banked in 1 million into Nie Haitang's account.
  • Qin Ming was satisfied with the outcome. He patted Hou Qing's shoulder and said, “Well done. I'll leave Dai Gao in your hands, since that he's one of yours. I do not wish for something like this to happen again.”
  • Hou Qing felt his body shuddered as Qin Ming patted him. I've secured my position and my wealth at the very least. Young master is regarding me with high importance, that's the reason why he is allowing me to handle Dai Gao's matter.
  • Qin Ming got up from his seat and left the office. Hou Qing and the others bowed deeply to send him off.
  • Hou Qing kicked Dai Gao mercilessly as soon as Qin Ming left. He could not contain his rage. “You're an arrogant bastard that nearly cost me my entire fortune, Dai Gao. You better get lost now. Go away as far as you can and do not appear in front of my eyes until I tell you to come back. And you, the manager, pack your bags and get lost as well!”
  • Dai Gao did not dare to refute as he owed Hou Qing everything that he owned. That fat and short middle-aged man quickly left the building.
  • Dai Gao was well aware that he might not be able to return to this place anymore. He had to wait for the day when Qin Ming was having a good mood and Hou Qing intended to help him for his return.
  • The female manager, Li turned into a pool of tears after being notified that she was fired. I barely managed to enter Tian Cheng Securities after relying on so many personal favors. The reputation, high income and stability that this job provided for me had disappeared just like that.
  • Nie Haitang had her fingers crossed and rested against her forehead as she prayed silently to herself in the lobby. She was hoping that the stock that she bought would rise amidst all the depressing figures.
  • Someone tapped her shoulder suddenly. Nie Haitang turned around and saw Qin Ming. She could not contain herself from welling up in the eyes due to the anxiety. “It's all gone?”
  • Qin Ming put on a faint smile. He lifted his chin towards the LED screen and said, “See for yourself.”
  • Nie Haitang looked towards the screen and saw Century Resources Group being the only share with red indicators among all the dreadful green figures. Century Resources Group's share price had reached 3.5 and was on a roll.
  • One of the investors exclaimed. “Is there an error? Why is Century Resources Group on the rise? This is just an insignificant company that sells dairy product.”
  • Another investor was in disbelief as well. “This must be a miracle. The entire market is dropping, but Century Resources Group is rising against all odds. What a rare sight.”
  • Someone questioned. “Do you think that someone influential is manipulating this share price?”
  • Someone refuted. “That's way too much for them to manipulate such a mundane stock. It's almost impossible.”
  • Nie Haitang clapped her hands together in excitement. “It's rising, it's really rising now. Qin Ming, you're a genius!”
  • Nie Haitang hugged Qin Ming and jumped on the spot as the girl continued to praise that man.
  • Nie Haitang's well-developed breasts were rubbing against Qin Ming's chest as she jumped. He was enjoying the friction.
  • Qin Ming blushed and said, “Let's sell the share already. We must not be too greedy while investing in the stock market.”
  • Nie Haitang nodded. She quickly sold the stocks in her possession.
  • The girl looked at her balance with utmost surprise after selling the stocks that she possessed. Nie Haitang tugged Qin Ming's arm. “I've earned 1 million and 3 thousand in just a day. You're such a brilliant man, Qin Ming.”
  • Qin Ming curled his lips. He was glad that Nie Haitang knew nothing about the share market. Otherwise, the girl would have acquired the truth with such an obvious loophole in his plan.
  • He did not care about the money that he banked in to Nie Haitang's account. That amount was insignificant to him anyway.
  • He smiled. “Do you know why I insisted on visiting Tian Cheng Securities? That's because I'm acquainted to an experienced investor at that place. I simply followed his instructions and invested my money with the information that he provides me. I've never lost any money since.”
  • Nie Haitang was amazed. “Wow, I've never expected you to know someone with such talents. You're a hidden gem, aren't you? I knew you weren't going to suffer in poverty your entire life, Qin Ming. It's Li Meng's loss for dumping you.”
  • Qin Ming forced a smile. Why did she have to talk about Li Meng again? Ah, my first love that I'll never forget. The girl that I've loved so deeply and hated so intensely at the same time.
  • Nie Haitang saw the lights dimmed in Qin Ming's eyes. The girl quickly acknowledged that she reminded him of an unpleasant topic. She patted her mouth and said, “Sorry for bringing that up. Let's go back now. I'll give you 100 thousand for today's commission. Give me your bank account number.”
  • Qin Ming could not care less about the commission. “Aren't you in a dire need for money recently? You don't have to pay me for now.”
  • Nie Haitang pouted. “I think you need the money more than I do. The least I can do is to pay you the commission for all your help today. I'll pay you more if not for the financial crisis that I'm facing right now.”
  • Qin Ming gave the girl his bank account number, but he did not bother to check the balance. The two of them took a cab back to the school.
  • The time was still early when they returned to the university. Qin Ming heard his roommates scolding angrily at something just as he entered the dormitory. “Damn, this Yang Wei is infuriating me. He thinks he can bully everyone just because he's rich. This bastard!”
  • Qin Ming frowned. What did Yang Wei do again?