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Chapter 3

  • My eyes slowly opened as the sun’s warmth touched my skin. I wasn’t dreaming anymore, I’m still inside the mansion. What’s unusual is that I’m indeed in a bed but everything is empty again. I ran outside and saw nothing too, including downstairs. There is no sign of that Angelo again.
  • After fixing myself a bit, I decided to go back to my dad’s house to at least steal some of my clothes. Their loud voices arguing over something is what I’m hearing from the outside. I can’t hear what it is but they are both furious. My heart started beating like a drum when I realized I’m like a few steps away from the house. I can completely hear them now.
  • “So you really don’t wanna find your stupid daughter?” That voice belongs to my stepmom.
  • “I said you go find her!”
  • “I’m not your maid or anything! And the hell I care about her ha?”
  • “Then we will have no more slaves here. Cook then!”
  • Hearing them only crushed me. I am about to cry when I suddenly step on a small branch and create a faint noise. It’s faint but it will definitely take some attention.
  • “What was that?”
  • “I’ll check it so start cooking now,” dad said, opening the door making me run without noise to the side of the house.
  • “Damn you!” My stepmom is screaming her lungs out throwing some things in the kitchen making my dad go back to her. I ignored their loud voices and started climbing to the balcony of my room.
  • I created a faint noise again stepping on the wrong place making it crack. I stopped halfway to listen if my dad was heading outside again but they continued fighting. When I am finally inside my room, I immediately pack some of my clothes and use the useless ones to tie the bag and put them down without a noise.
  • I successfully did it and it's time for me to go down now too. Gently, my wet hands made the railing feel a bit slippery. Body shaking a bit, I did all my best to get down all safe and no sound. It was also successful but my mom from the kitchen noticed me widening her eyes.
  • “Jillian!” She called me and so I ran as fast as I could. I almost curse under my breath feeling a lot nervous and scared to be imprisoned in that house again.
  • “You, come back!” my dad used his very authoritative voice but I didn’t listen. I continued running away from them tightly holding the bag with my clothes in it. It’s like the faster and farther I go, the more feeling of success I get.
  • I hid in some trees and some rocks checking them from the back still tailing on me.
  • This time, I felt horrible when they never gave up chasing me until we went far. My knees are about to give up and are starting to shake. I’m out of energy and am starting to get breathless. I fell to the ground all tired and was catching some breath. I know they are tired too but I can’t just stop and get caught.
  • My hand landed on my mouth covering it to lessen the noise of my breathing. There’s no noise heard from near, I can’t hear them any longer so I drop my hand turning my body to face the sky. The foliage of the trees is covering it but some of the sun’s lights pass through some small spaces reaching my face.
  • I suddenly felt my body stiffen when I heard faint footsteps gradually getting nearer and nearer. My breathing slowly became heavy as I stayed below the green leaves of some plants covering me. The bag is beside me and I’m gripping on it hard.
  • “We stop here,” my stepmom said panting.
  • “She will escape again,” dad said and I can hear his heavy footsteps.
  • “Wait. These plants look odd, like someone passed through here.”
  • I look at the mess I’ve created and realized I will easily be caught at this point if I don’t get out. It’s difficult but I tried moving to stand up without moving anything.
  • “I like that. You are too observant.” My dad’s footsteps went near me from the right. I can feel him like five steps from me.
  • I have no choice but to stand up all of a sudden and run.
  • “Oh sh*t!” My stepmom burst and she grabbed some of my hair. I escaped but a strong hand pulled my weak arms. My tears streamed right away like some sudden rain.
  • “You think you can go away that easy?” dad whispered, taking my hand and tying them. He also tied my feet and I can’t fight anymore. I’m just crying silently looking at these merciless people smirking in front of me. I feel like a prey being caught by some predators and is waiting for my death.
  • “Angelo!” I screamed but it only echoed back.
  • I saw how my dad’s expression changed automatically just by hearing the name. Harassingly, he pulled my hair making me face him. His angry face is all I see and his burning eyes. It’s like I’m facing a devil.
  • “Who did you call again? Angelo? Do you know him?” I gave him no answer by staying shut so he almost punched me but he didn’t. He lifted me carrying me like a sack of rice in his shoulder. My bag is on his other hand while walking back to the house, to that prison.
  • My life changed worse than before. I’m like a dog with chains on me, tied to where I’m destined to have chores. They are treating me like an animal, letting me sleep outside of the door when I make some small mistake. It’s dark again and is cold. I’m outside the door shivering, rubbing both of my shoulders with my hands though it’s not helping.
  • “Angelo, why don’t you help me?” I whispered crying.
  • The sky is pitch black since it’s starless tonight. I’m just hoping it’ll not rain or else I’ll get no sleep.
  • “I’m sorry,” I lift my head to see the man I am looking for these past days to some and help me.
  • “Angelo, you’re here,” I said sobbing.
  • He kneeled down to cup my face and wipe my tears out.
  • “I hesitated when I realized you are a Sagittarius, I’m sorry. Seeing you like this changed my mind,” he continued though I don’t understand a word. I don’t want to understand anything too. All I want is to get out.
  • “Please help me.”
  • “I will.”