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A Thirst for Revenge

A Thirst for Revenge

Rex Salazar

Last update: 2024-05-22

Chapter 1 The King Returns To Save His Family!

  • "Gabe, the company has gone bankrupt! Mom and Dad were forced to take their own lives by jumping off the building; it has been five days, and their bodies still haven't been found...The Four Great Clans have divided up all our family possessions now. Hazel Lombard has taken over the family business and announced her engagement to Hugo Blaine. They are going to hold the engagement party soon. We still owe the Four Great Clans 300 million dollars! They want me to pay it back immediately, or they are going to sell me off as a slave…Gabe! Are you still alive? Where are you? I miss you so much…I really, really miss you…oh no, they are here! I don't think I can escape now...In my next life, I hope I get reborn as your sister again. I am so sorry, Gabe, I…augh! You beasts! Get your filthy hands off me! Let go of me now…!"
  • "Still trying to call for help, girlie? No one in their right mind is going to come and save you! Go on! Keep screaming! Nobody cares! Just accept your fate, that's a good girl…"
  • A moment later, there was a devilish laugh and the sound of the phone being smashed onto the floor and crushed underfoot…then complete silence!
  • Gabriel Skarsdale turned on his phone for the first time in five years, and the news hit him like a thunderbolt. As a soldier with unwavering nerves who had served on battlefields without fear, but his sister’s frantic voice message completely devastated him.
  • No matter how hard he tried, this was a terrible blow he could not recover from.
  • His parents had been forced to commit suicide! Not only that, his fiancée had betrayed him by colluding with old enemies to destroy the entire Skarsdale family, and was now going to marry the very person who had conspired against him in the first place!
  • His younger sister was going to be sold off like a piece of meat, and her whereabouts were unknown. He had no idea if she was still alive or not.
  • Each piece of news only fueled Gabriel's rage until he was on the verge of losing his sanity.
  • What was the point of being someone whom all the nations feared, with power and influence that spanned the globe?
  • His family was gone; everything he ever cared about was gone!
  • What good was power and influence to him now?
  • His fury knew no bounds. He immediately set everything else aside; his first priority was to get home as fast as he could…
  • "Inform Derkesthai HQ! Seal off the road! I need to get back to Claritas as fast as possible!"
  • "Yes, sir!"
  • The headquarters at Derkesthai immediately transmitted orders that the five-thousand-mile road stretching from the northern border to the city of Claritas was to be sealed off at once! There was only a single lone jeep hurtling down the road the entire way, driving at full speed toward Claritas…
  • Inside the jeep, Gabriel closed his eyes, his face filled with anguish. Rage burned within him; he looked like a savage, ferocious lion, commanding both fear and respect.
  • "Faster! Drive as fast as you can!" Gabriel's eyes were red-rimmed; his voice sounded hoarse and strained.
  • Phoenix, the driver of the jeep, felt her heart ache when she saw Gabriel's uncharacteristic loss of composure. In the five years she had served with him, she had never seen this iron-willed, steel-nerved man lose control of his emotions like this.
  • Gabriel Skarsdale was a hero in Numenis, his place unrivaled in the hearts of countless Numenians! His exploits terrified nations!
  • Although she could understand Gabriel's fury and anguish, she was unable to offer him any solace or comfort.
  • Gabriel clenched his fists tightly, a murderous rage simmering in his eyes. Now that his parents were dead, Elia was his only surviving relative! If anything happened to her, he would never forgive himself!
  • Five years ago, he had been deliberately set up. Someone had drugged his drink; he had then gotten drunk and forced himself upon a girl. For that, he had been arrested. However, the girl had unexpectedly declined to press charges, which was why he had not gone to prison. Instead, he had been exiled to the frontier to serve his sentence in the military.
  • Gabriel had never forgotten the hopeless, lifeless expression in the girl's eyes or her distant, tear-streaked face as she told him she would forgive him for his atrocious act…
  • For the last five years, he had completely isolated himself from the rest of the world and changed his name to Nolan Skar. He had distinguished himself on the battlefield through his courage, achieving countless feats, which had resulted in him being given a military rank while he was still young.
  • At 22, he had become a high-ranking official.
  • Now, at 25, he would be crowned ruler of Numenis in three days!
  • He had only retrieved his old phone today after his final battle had ended.
  • After his coronation ceremony, he had intended to return to Claritas and reunite with his parents and sister, then make amends to the girl he had wronged. However, Elia's message had plunged him into despair in an instant!
  • Gabriel forced himself to calm down, and the fury in his eyes gradually transformed into a cold, murderous rage. Gabriel Skarsdale is back, f*ckers. Watch out, you Four Great Clans of Claritas…you will face my wrath without fail!
  • The Four Great Clans had conspired against him five years ago! Thanks to them, he had committed an unspeakable crime and lost his reputation and standing, almost going to prison…
  • Now, they had joined forces again to strip the Skarsdale family of everything they had, forcing his parents to commit suicide. Not satisfied with that, they were going to sell Elia like an object up for auction…
  • This was a blood feud to the death!
  • Phoenix took a deep breath, then reported, "Marshal, the intelligence service has just sent over some information. They have discovered Ms. Skarsdale's location. All the troops stationed in Claritas are already assembled and awaiting orders. Once you give the word, they will completely annihilate the Four Great Clans!"
  • A ruthless glint flickered in Gabriel's eyes. "The Four Great Clans? Killing them is too easy! I want them to suffer in despair and terror before they die slowly…But that can wait! Right now, the most crucial thing is to locate Elia! Hurry; have intelligence send the coordinates over immediately! If anything happens to my sister, I will never forgive them!"
  • "Yes, sir." Phoenix was silent for a few moments, then reported, "Ms. Skarsdale is being held at the black market auction site in Claritas."
  • "Go there immediately, as quickly as possible!" Gabriel's distant and severe demeanor concealed his suppressed anger. He tightly clenched his fists...
  • If anything happened to Elia, even the slightest harm, he would ensure that everyone involved would deeply regret their actions! No one would be able to endure the wrath of the King!