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Chapter 819 Rag Doll(Incest/Taboo):>Ep71

  • That evening, we held a family meeting, to decide our next step. The girls wanted to spend a little time with Nicky and his family. Rick and I were feeling something similar; I'd never bothered to get close to Nicky; the most I'd ever felt for him was resentment that he had Barbara, and that he seemed perfectly happy to have her and not us. Now, however, I was feeling a deep and inexplicable need to be near him, to reconnect with him, almost the way I'd felt when Rick had come home.
  • Also, I was enjoying having a mum; I was still feeling the wonder of saying that word, a word that had never fallen from my mouth my entire life before this day. Nicky's mother had made us part of her family, and I wanted to keep feeling that feeling a little longer. The girls were obviously in love with Nicky's step-dad; the only father they'd known had been a violent psychopath; now they were experiencing what a real father felt like, and they were understandably reluctant to let that go.
  • Nicky had invited us to stay with him and Ashley in their home, so the family could all be together; his mum (our mum!) lived a few minutes' drive from his home; we had no pressing business back in Carlisle, no jobs to return to, and abundant funds, so we'd accepted.
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