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Chapter 1417 Trained & Fucked Like A Slut:>>Ep17

  • Regular readers of this series may remember how I first asked Vanessa to let me watch her piss during our honeymoon. At first she had been embarrassed about doing this, but I told her that she mustn't be ashamed of anything to do with her body, and she soon grew comfortable with it. I pissed in front of her too, and sometimes got her to hold my dick as I did it.
  • I could hardly stop there, though. My ongoing project of corrupting my beautiful, shy young wife demanded that I continually raise the stakes, and my next challenge was to get her to piss in public.
  • The first time happened quite spontaneously. It was a hot, sunny day, and we had been down at the local shopping centre doing our weekly grocery shop. We were walking along the street laden with shopping bags when Vanessa said, "I've got to find a toilet -- I need to wee."
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