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Chapter 1351 The Schoolboy's Dream:>Ep62

  • Looking back and forth between my two wives, I will admit that I was lost in a cloud of love & lust that only dissipated when I heard the photographer sniffling as she continued to snap pictures.
  • When we were finished, Kelsey & I signed the marriage certificate along with the minister - as officiate - and Kasey as witness. Once that was finished, Kasey revealed one more document - a form to submit a name change from our home state. Kasey's mom lunged - to hug her - and I grabbed the form from her grasp before it was destroyed in the tumult.
  • At that point, Kasey informed her mother that she estimated it was going to take her about an hour to work with the hotel staff to get everything packed away. She suggested that the two of us go find something to do to keep ourselves occupied.
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