Chapter 129 “We've Missed You”
- I showered quickly, fighting the urge to conjure up a mental image of Elliot naked and deal with the ache between my thighs myself. If I did it once, more would follow the climax couldn’t actually end until we’d had sex for a couple of days or survived until the hormones faded all the way on their own.
- So I showered fast, then quickly threw on some clean clothes and tossed my wet hair up in a ponytail. As I said goodbye to Elliot, I fought the urge to give him another hug. My defensiveness won out, and I flashed him a small smile before stepping out of my car with my keys in my hand.
- I knew the way to Char’s house by heart after my wolf drove it with Elliot a few times, so I headed over. Sab’s place had to be almost finished, which she undoubtedly had mixed feelings about. And I still needed to tell her that I was going to move in with Elliot permanently, but she knew me well enough that I was fairly confident she was just waiting for me to say it out loud.